Dennys Links

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Funny Hunh?! Cartoons - 31 July 2010

*** Check out some funny relationship cartoons from this week!

The Big Dog Walk in the New Orleans French Quarter...

Parenting isn't what it used to be:

Jeff Stahler

Speed Bump

Speed Bump

and neither is the family dog...

Ballard Street

Old school tech:

Ballard Street

Oh, relationships:

Ballard Street

Ballard Street

Ballard Street

with food that is...

Ballard Street

Uh... O...K...

Speed Bump

Speed Bump

Speed Bump


*** For more cartoons this week:

WikiLeaks, America, Tea Party, World Politics Cartoons - 31 July 2010

BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 31 July 2010

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Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Funny Video: Colbert On The Environment - Wimpy Treehuggers, Dirty Hippies

*** Check out the whacky humor of Stephan Colbert and get a laugh - especially if you are an environmentalist!

From Denny: You see Colbert is adamant that those wimpy treehuggers and downright dirty hippies are responsible for ruining America's GDP (Gross National Product). He thinks they are also responsible for ruining America's toilet paper too. As usual, Colbert is "on topic" through a series of clips he has done concerning the subject of how the treehuggers have started up environmentally friendly companies like Seventh Generation and are ruining our economy because of their treehugging ways made popular. He is at work profiling those weirdo tree-stroking fregans who are taking America on the down slide.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
On Topic: The Environment - Wimpy Treehuggers and Dirty Hippies
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

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Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Funny Video: Kimmel Says Palin Is Like The Eskimo Don King

*** Check out comic Jimmy Kimmel ride Sarah Palin about her lack of acquaintance with her own English language dictionary.

Palin's "Like The Eskimo Don King"

From Denny: Sarah Palin is the comic's dream. She is the political nightmare that just keeps on giving. She says and does the most outrageous things. The latest for which she is getting mocked by late night comedians is her Twitter tweet using the word "refudiate."

Kimmel takes her to task for a complete lack of geography knowledge, not knowing her own America very well. She did not know that the state of Hawaii is our nation's largest island. But hey! Palin is an American patriot - or so she claims. You would think to qualify to be a patriot you have to know the English language and know the names and locations of the states. That's just basic primary school knowledge.

Kimmel criticized Palin for a lack of familiarity with maps. He envisioned what it would be like if Palin got together with the folks from "Schoolhouse Rock" for a geography sing along.

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The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Posts Roundup of Dennys Blogs - 25 July 2010

*** Check out news, political opinion - serious and funny cartoons, recipes, science and health news, poetry, funny posts, photography, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.

The Social Poets:

Cartoons: American and World Politics, Tea Party - 24 July 2010

Govt Justice Dept Wastes $100 Million on Partying With Taxpayer Money

Govt Sex Perverts: Pentagon, Govt Spooks Watching Child Porn - News Headlines 23 July 2010

Just How Angry Are Americans At Their Prez and Politicians?

Americans Sour on Economy, Obamas Better Plan to Manage Our Oceans - News Headlines 21 July 2010

Funny Economy Humor - Cheeky Quote Day 21 July 2010

Unemployed About To Get Relief, Brit PM Visit, Fox Lies About Govt Official - News Headlines 20 July 2010

Roundup of Late Night Funnies - 20 July 2010

Funny Video: Wanna Work in the Fields Like the Immigrants?

Funny Video: Colbert Talks Food For Thought - Canwich Setback

Funny Video: Colberts Automatic Weapons For The People

Obama Shouts At Republicans, What We Get Out Of Financial Reform - News Headlines 19 July 2010

Beautiful Illustrated Quotation:

So How Do You Measure Your Spiritual Progress?

How Psychic Are You? Fun Test and Spiritual Gifts

Dennys Funny Quotes:

Hunh?! Are You Crazy?! Cartoons - 24 July 2010

Recession Humor: Termination Letter to Employees

Funny GOP: From The Bush Years - Homeland Security Self-Exam

Funny Video: Economic Fun Fair by Mark Fiore

Dennys Food and Recipes:

Cake Tuesday: Lemon Honey Cake and Lemon Bread

Muffin Monday: Dennys Summer Fresh Muffins

The Healing Waters:

Why Are So Many People Addicted to Pain Meds? Numbers Up 400 Percent

Just How Fast Is Human Evolution?

The Soul Calendar:

BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 24 July 2010

Visual Insights:

Cartoons: American Economy - 24 July 2010

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The Social Poets Fav Bloggers
The Soul Calendar
Visual Insights
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations
Poems From A Spiritual Heart
The Healing Waters
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hunh?! Are You Crazy?! Cartoons - 24 July 2010

*** Get a grin at some of the craziness cartoons that will make you scratch your head and go, "What the F?"

Lady Gaga in her red lace number

American movie culture:

Bruce Beattie

Jerry Holbert

FCC and American culture:

Jeff Stahler

Give it up for South Carolina where some serious political weirdness lives:

Robert Ariail

And just in from South Carolina the "demented" crowd - and one guy on the right running for Senator, yet no one ever heard of him - 'cause he was paid by the Republicans to run on the Democrats ticket. Odd thing, not even the Democrats had ever heard of him:

Robert Ariail

Actor Mel Gibson continues to get skewered for his foul mouth. This guy needs to quit drinking. Someone throw his sorry self into rehab:

Rob Rogers

Steve Kelley

Sarah Palin - who is in dire need of meds or a vacation at an insane asylum because most of what comes out of her mouth sounds bizarre and nonsensical. You wonder if she's lucid or suffering from bad side effects of whatever meds she's already taking:

Mike Luckovich

Just Plain Odd America:

Ed Stein

Chip Bok

Matt Bors

Matt Bors

Steve Kelley

Moderately Confused

Moderately Confused

Chip Bok

Free Range

Ballard Street

Ballard Street


Free Range



Ballard Street

Free Range

Ballard Street

Ballard Street

Signe Wilkinson


Free Range

Free Range

*** For more funnies from this week:

Cartoons: American and World Politics, Tea Party - 24 July 2010

BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 24 July 2010

Cartoons: American Economy - 24 July 2010

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The Social Poets Fav Bloggers
The Soul Calendar
Visual Insights
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations
Poems From A Spiritual Heart
The Healing Waters
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes