Dennys Links

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks Really Negative Campaign Ads

Lots of voter anger aimed at both political parties, especially from these negative campaign ads choking the air waves every election.

From Denny: It's the 2010 midterms election season and the negative ads are outrageous - as bad as during Presidential elections. Well, this year, the winner gets to redistrict the nation into better ways to increase their power in Congress. Read that as the winner gets to screw the voters and the opposite party.

Jon Stewart does a crass mockery here, very funny. The Big However is that it really isn't for the delicate ears in the room as the references are quite crass, referring to chickens and humans mating. OK, that was the warning. If you can get past that to view just how ridiculous and crass our American political mean season has become, game on!

Indecision 2010 - Negative Campaigning

Larry Wilmore's opponent, Aasif Mandvi, was supposed to be Team Positive, but he couldn't handle the simple assignment of picking out the right shirt.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2010 - Negative Campaigning
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

*** Return to main post at The Social Poets:

Late Nite Jokes and Funny Videos - 2 Nov 2010 - Comics have fun lampooning the campaign process. Get Dennys Predictions for what happens next into the 2010 election.

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Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Funny Video: Jon Stewart - How Republicans Prepare to Take Back Power

Stewart supporters oppose Republican takeover of our government.

Indecision 2010 - Republicans Prepare to Take Back Power

Sam Bee prepares for the biennial Running of the Real Estate, Olivia Munn sees no change at PJ Palm Greasers, and Jason Jones is lost on a Segway.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2010 - Republicans Prepare to Take Back Power
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

*** Return to main post at The Social Poets:

Late Nite Jokes and Funny Videos - 2 Nov 2010 - Comics have fun lampooning the campaign process. Get Dennys Predictions for what happens next into the 2010 election.

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

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Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
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Dennys People Watching - people in the news
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Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Funny God Versus Satan Joke: Its All In The Creation

Come get a grin as God and Satan duke it out over who helps or hurts humanity.

From Denny: Life is funny. Life is amusing. What's true is even more amusing. While visiting a fellow blogger's site - Aphorism of the Day - nothingprofound had this quote:

“God had no purpose in creating the world. He was just having fun.”

Of course, there were some funny comments in answer. The funniest I enjoyed was from another fellow blogger, an artist, Christina @ Christinas Daily Paintings. She left this long hilarious God and Satan rivalry joke. I know I'm "tempted" to add a few lines. Why not add some of your own lines in the comment section? This is one of those jokes that could be long-running, so long-running it runs down the road for generations! :)

(My Title) It's All In The Creation 

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. And the Earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

And Satan said, "It doesn't get any better than this."

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

And God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit," and God saw that it was good.

And Satan said, "There goes the neighborhood."

And God said, "Let us make Man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the Earth." And so God created Man in his own image; male and female created he them. And God looked upon Man and Woman and saw that they were lean and fit.

And Satan said, "I know how I can get back in this game."

And God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.

And Satan created McDonald's. And McDonald's brought forth the 99-cent double cheeseburger.

And Satan said to Man, "You want fries with that?"

And Man said, "Supersize them." And Man gained 5 pounds.

And God created the healthful yoghurt, that woman might keep her figure that man found so fair.

And Satan brought forth chocolate. And Woman gained 5 pounds.

And God said, "Try my crispy fresh salad."

And Satan brought forth Ben and Jerry's. And Woman gained 10 pounds.

And God said, "I have sent thee heart-healthy vegetables and olive oil with which to cook them."

And Satan brought forth chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter.

And Man gained 10 pounds and his bad cholesterol went through the roof.

And God brought forth running shoes and Man resolved to lose those extra pounds.

And Satan brought forth cable TV with remote control so Man would not have to toil to change channels between ESPN and ESPN2.

And Man gained another 20 pounds.

And God said, "You're running up the score, Devil." And God brought forth the potato, a vegetable naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition.

And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fat fried them. And he created sour cream dip also.

And Man clutched his remote control and ate the potato chips swaddled in cholesterol. And Satan saw and said, "It is good."

And Man went into cardiac arrest.

And God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.

And Satan created HMO's."

And Denny adds:

And so, to answer the health dilemma, God created the cookies formerly known as gingersnaps, made with healthful molasses and low in calories to help Man and Woman stay fit.

And so Satan, not to be outdone by the Creator, proved he is ready to take over the Universe: He said, "I'll make cookies too irresistible so they will have to be dunked in milk to keep them addicted - while I load them up on calories." And so Satan invented Oreos, reflecting his devilish sense of humor of the outside dark closing in on the inside center of light.

And God said, "Not to worry. People take apart the cookies to enjoy the light in the center. Besides, I just invented Double Stuffed Oreos, all the more sweet goodness to enjoy." And so God upped the anty. Satan never was any good at poker.

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Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Monday, October 25, 2010

Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 25 Oct 2010

Check out news, political opinion, political humor and funny cartoons, recipes, poetry, funny posts, science, photography, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.

From Denny: Check out the funny political season along with the crazy Halloween taunts mixed in and life is ever, oh, so entertaining! Plenty this week to amuse, educate and entertain you - as I'm catching up the past three weeks of posts. Note to self: Never take time off - OK, not! :)

I've included some of the more popular posts at the humor blog as well since people come blasting in at Dennys Funny Quotes every Monday through Wednesday looking for funny relief for their work week. Thanks for visiting all the blogs and your great support all year!

The Social Poets:

American and World Economy Cartoons - 24 Oct 2010 - Check out the national mind and opinions of our economy through the eyes of cartoonists.

American Political Season - 23 Oct 2010 - This sure is a mean - and more competitive than usual - political season.

Friday Lite: Funny Elvira Spoofs I Am Not A Witch Ad - Where Halloween humor meets political humor in America.

CNN Interviews Outted American Spy Valerie Plame About Traitors - Check out this explosive interview about the truth of the outting of one of America's successful spies tracking down rogue nukes in the world.

Roundup of Late Nite Jokes and Videos - 18 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's late night jokes, latest cartoons, funniest video clips from Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart.

American Economy and Crazy World Politics - 16 Oct 2010 - To our politicians: the nation's cartoonists are watching you... Check out their latest opinions about the state of the economy, the current election season and world politics

Popular President Clinton On The Economy, Mid-Term Election, Wedding - America's most popular ex-President talks about how to get the economy jumpstarted and the serious erosion of the middle class if the election is turned over to the Republicans.

Chilean Miners Video: All 33 Miners As They Emerged From Mine and More - Listen to rescued miner Mario talk about getting out more Love in the world.

1 Billion Worldwide Watch 33 Chilean Miners Rescued From Abyss - Check out the jubilant celebrations as the miners are rescued today.

Monday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 11 Oct 2010

American Economy and Crazy Politics - 9 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's latest political humor from the nation's cartoonists. The Tea Party wins hands down on the most talked about this election season.

Poem From God - Libations Friday 8 Oct 2010 - Even God has a sense of humor about how to handle repeated rejection. Take a look.

Rapping Politically Slamming Poetry Inspired By Rally to Restore American Sanity - The politics of insanity in this election season inspires this poet who is well worth the listen as he reflects the frustration of American voters.

Prez Obama Slaps Down Big Banks For Shady Home Foreclosure Bill - Obama catches last minute sleaze Republicans and Big Banks tacked on into new bill to cheat homeowners of their consumer protection rights while in foreclosure.

Obama Investigates: Big Banks Screw Up Home Foreclosures - Learn how the Big Banks just screwed themselves out of all their profits.

Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 5 Oct 2010 - Check out news, political opinion, political humor and funny cartoons, recipes, poetry, funny posts, photography, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:

Inspiring Quotes About Dealing With Rejection - Some great advice from famous people about handling rejection.

11 Inspiring Quotes and Poem About Dealing With Rejection - Check out this mind food when you need to pick yourself back up from rejection.

A Delightful Way Of Seeing Our Lives

How Do You Fit Into The Universe?

How Well Do You Handle Adversity?

President Theodore Roosevelt Quote About Courage

Do You Promote Others As Well As Yourself?

Meditative Moon Photos - The moon continues to fascinate humanity - and creative photographers.

7 Thoughtful Quotes About The Future - Enjoy these reflections upon how we think about our future.

A Healing Spiritual Poem: Waking The Day - Spiritual symbolism is all around us in our daily life, ready to help heal and balance.

Ancient Healing Oil: Sandalwood - Modern technology life can be stressful and counter productive to spiritual growth. Try this essential oil to bring balance into your life.

Dennys Funny Quotes:

Funny Work Cartoons - 25 Oct 2010 - When your life does not seem to be quite all together - get a grin to make your day good again.

Funny Video: Scientists Study Drugged Spiders - Check out the crazy antics of these drugged spiders.

42 Monday Morning Funny Coffee Quotes, Coffee Cartoon

Funny Photos: Voraciously Hungry Birds - Check out some startling photos of birds as they catch some unusual finds for their dinner tables - complete with irreverent commentary.

Funny Video: Colbert Fuses Halloween Holiday With March To Keep Fear Alive

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Reveals Rally to Restore Sanity Location

Funny Situational Hunh?! Are You Kidding?! Cartoons - 16 Oct 2010 - Check out the latest funny finds from America's cartoonists this week.

Funny Situational Hunh?! Cartoons - 9 Oct 2010 - Check out some hilarious thoughts about how to approach life from this week of cartoonists.

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Scorches Big Banks 4 Accidental Foreclosures

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Comments On CNN Firing Bigot Rick Sanchez

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Reveals Rednecks Living in Delaware

Funny Video: Colbert Looks At Tea Party Coloring Books For Kids

Murphys 15 Laws About Sex - Yet another funny list joke making the rounds.

Funny Video: Surfing Group Known as The Radical Rodents - Laugh at these funny talented rodents surfing the waves in Australia.

Funny Legal News Story: The Case of a Contraceptives Miss-taken Use - Laugh at this funny use for a contraceptive that exemplifies the kind of humorous cases found in our court systems every day sure to amuse us!

Funny Video: Colberts Sound Advice on How to Get a Job - Bad economy? No problem. Comic Stephen Colbert to the employment rescue to help you land that all important life-changing job.

25 Ridiculously Funny Celebrity Duck Face Photos - Laugh at celebrities posing for the camera, mocking sexy.

Visual Insights:

Funny Life Cartoons - 21 Oct 2010 - Get a grin today while tripping through the cracked minds of some talented cartoonists while they explore our lives and give us their opinions.

Art and Music Videos: Chinese Painting Demo and The Misty Rain of Jiangnan in China - This music video is great for meditation.

Music Video: From Enya - The First of Autumn - Enya pairs some beautiful autumnal photos with music.

Music Video: Classic Happy Song from Belle Stars - Iko Iko - This catchy song will have you dancing in no time, looking silly to the neighborhood - and you won't care 'cause you will feel so good.

The Soul Calendar:

Funny Tech Cartoons - 22 Oct 2010 - Get a grin as cartoonists entertain us with their take on the technology of the day and the influence upon society.

Are These Fossils The Earliest Traces Of Complex Life? - Check out what was happening on the Earth over two billion years ago as scientists discover new fossils to shed new light on how Life evolved here.

How Northern Lights Are Created By Sun Flares - Check out 3 video clips of the solar flares and magnetic filament in action as they create the Northern Lights on Earth.

Giant Asteroid Threatens Earth In 170 Years - Crank up the planet asteroid defense system because Earth is expecting an asteroid impact soon - by astronomical time.

Popular Funny X-ray Pin-Ups Calendar: Stripped to the Bone - Definitely this is a fit for the strange but true category and amusing too.

Why Black Holes Burst With Light When Galaxies Merge - Scientists got good news about the odd behavior of supermassive black holes from NASA's cosmic gossip, the Swift satellite.

Big Oil Nixs Competing Aviation BioFuel: NASAs Project OMEGA - Big Oil finds ways to eliminate the competition from taking over any segment of the fuel market in the world.

Mapping Our Complex Brains: Human Connectome Project - Fascinating new project mapping the complex circuitry of our brains.

Brain: Relationship of Thinning of Brain's Cortex Linked to Depression

Bad News for Teachers: Research Says Doodling Boosts Concentration

Dennys Food and Recipes:

Drink: Chocolate Martini - A chocolate martini, with the glass rim coated with fresh pear and shaved chocolate, for that perfect sip.

Candy: Almond Brittle - The best combination ever invented: almonds and chocolate. Enjoy this chef recipe of a few ingredients.

Chocolate: Chocolate Risotto - Enjoy a rice pudding style dessert made with chocolate.

Chocolate: Beef Stew With Chocolate - This Chef David Rocco is on a roll with awesome savory recipes using dark chocolate as a star ingredient.

Chocolate: Penne Pasta with Chocolate and Anchovies - Another creative food thought from Chef David Rocco.

Appetizer with Chocolate: Sauteed Shrimp Drizzled with Chocolate - Check out this unusual dish employing chocolate as a spice.

Pair With Pork: French Onion Casserole - Cooked slowly onions can turn wonderfully sweet. Try this easy casserole for your holiday or weekend dinner.

Healthy Recipe: Fiesta Southwestern Cheesecake, Oven Baked French Toast - Check out a creative beautiful dish that is a lower calorie version of our favorite Mexican flavors.

Halloween: Caramel Apples From Culinary Institute of America - Check out how easy and less expensive it is to make your own caramel apples for the spooky season.

Cake Tuesday: Bobby Flays Awesome German Chocolate Cake - A special cake for celebrations and the holidays! Recipe and video.

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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:

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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Funny Work Cartoons - 25 Oct 2010

When your life does not seem to be quite all together - get a grin to make your day good again.

From Denny: Ah, the work place. It's where we get to meet people, right? And sometimes we get to view the strange, the odd, and the outrageously laughable. Let the cracked minds of America's cartoonists keep you laughing all through the day as they poke fun at the work place!

Strange Brew

Working Daze

Working Daze

Working Daze

Working It Out


Working It Out

Working It Out

Working It Out

Working It Out

Working Daze

*** Check out more funnies from this week:

Friday Lite: Funny Elvira Spoofs I Am Not A Witch Ad - Where Halloween humor meets political humor in America.

Funny Video: Scientists Study Drugged Spiders - Check out the crazy antics of these drugged spiders.

Funny Photos: Voraciously Hungry Birds - Check out some startling photos of birds as they catch some unusual finds for their dinner tables - complete with irreverent commentary.

Funny Video: Colbert Fuses Halloween Holiday With March To Keep Fear Alive

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Reveals Rally to Restore Sanity Location

Funny Situational Hunh?! Cartoons - 9 Oct 2010 - Check out some hilarious thoughts about how to approach life from this week of cartoonists.

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Scorches Big Banks 4 Accidental Foreclosures

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Comments On CNN Firing Bigot Rick Sanchez

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Reveals Rednecks Living in Delaware

Funny Video: Colbert Looks At Tea Party Coloring Books For Kids

American and World Economy Cartoons - 24 Oct 2010 - Check out the national mind and opinions of our economy through the eyes of cartoonists.

Roundup of Late Nite Jokes and Videos - 18 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's late night jokes, latest cartoons, funniest video clips from Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart.

American Economy and Crazy World Politics - 16 Oct 2010 - To our politicians: the nation's cartoonists are watching you... Check out their latest opinions about the state of the economy, the current election season and world politics

Monday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 11 Oct 2010

American Economy and Crazy Politics - 9 Oct 2010 - Check out this week's latest political humor from the nation's cartoonists. The Tea Party wins hands down on the most talked about this election season.

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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Funny Video: Scientists Study Drugged Spiders

Check out the crazy antics of these drugged spiders.

From Denny: You will not believe this crazy video. Scientists - spoofing or not - decided to drug up some spiders with various drugs to observe their behavior. Wow! It sure is a lot like humans. :) Only in Canada.

Drugs they employed:

LSD, caffeine, THC - active ingredient in marijuana, alcohol and crack cocaine. They used Q-tips to rub minute amounts of the drugs onto the spiders' bellies. Bet that wasn't the belly rub those insects were expecting...

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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:

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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Funny Video: Stephen Colberts 17 Best ThreatDowns

Colbert warns our Nation of those ThreatDowns luriking in those spooky shadows of our country.

From Denny: Colbert warns us of how the world is such a scary place. It is October after all and he's just getting wound up for the Halloween season. Colbert says he will hold our hand, look us in the eye and remind us of how truly terrifying life is these days. There's a reason for the season and this season is Colbert's cheeky "Keep Fear Alive March." What do you expect from a guy who is the youngest of 11 children? The youngest kid is always a laugh riot, the entertainer of the family. Now he makes money for being silly. What a good gig!

Here Colbert is reminding America about the horrors in the world with his ThreatDown review. Here he takes swipes at his number one fear: bears. He also rags on zombies just in time for Halloween and Isabella Rossellini. Be sure to vote up your favorite ThreatDown! :)

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
ThreatDown - Oprah
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive

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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:

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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Funny Video: The Daily Shows Version of The Expert Correspondent

British comedian John Oliver spoofs my fellow journalists.

From Denny: John Oliver has overrun our house with laughter and is a regular favorite we enjoy over at Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. Take a look at his rendition of the on-air correspondant. There are times you do really wonder when you are watching a news story...

The correspondents are experts at appearing intelligent without having to do any thinking at all.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Ask a Correspondent - Sounding Smart
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:

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Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Monday, October 18, 2010

Funny Video: The Expert Correspondent on Superheroes

Check out more from the "Ask A Correspondent" series on The Daily Show, mocking journalists.

From Denny: Nothing like a whole lot of silly from The Daily Show to keep us laughing!

The mild mannered correspondents reveal the identities of their crime-fighting alter egos.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Ask a Correspondent - Superheroes
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:

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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Funny Video: The Expert Correspondent on Personal Combat

Check out more from the "Ask A Correspondent" series on The Daily Show, mocking journalists.

From Denny: More from The Daily Show's funny series on "Ask a Correspondent - Hand-to-Hand Combat." Or "Everything You Needed To Know About Personal Combat From Someone Who Has No Experience But Is The Expert On All Things."

Who would win in a Daily Show battle royale? The correspondents place their bets.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Ask a Correspondent - Hand-to-Hand Combat
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:

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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Funny Situational Hunh?! Are You Kidding?! Cartoons - 16 Oct 2010

Check out the latest funny finds from America's cartoonists this week.

Uh... Houston we have a problem.

From Denny: What goes through these twisted minds... Can you imagine Halloween at their house??? :)

And the tech cartoons keep on coming. After all, computers are nothing but high class machinery and the end game of the Industrial Revolution. Humanity goes where no one dares to go: co-dependence. I guess humans are basically social animals and just can't go unplugged in any generation.

Have you heard about some of the most recent news stories about college campuses going unplugged just for 24 hours and they couldn't do it? Your brain really does get re-wired if you are not careful to give it down time in Nature. Sure Nature is much slower - but just think of it as another art medium. Teach your brain to think on a lot of levels and at different speeds. Trust me; it will come in handy at some point in your life. Meanwhile, enjoy these humor goodies!

Texting while driving:

Jerry Holbert

Tech and social site cartoons:

Ballard Street

Moderately Confused

Signe Wilkinson

John Sherffius

Frank & Ernest


Moderately Confused

Drew Sheneman

Dana Summers

The environment:

Jeff Stahler

Oh, where has all the romance gone???

Ballard Street






Moderately Confused

Nothing like a little self-promotion on the neighborhood block during election season:

Ballard Street

Where the little self-promoter got his start:

Moderately Confused

And that's life!

Grand Avenue

Ballard Street

Ballard Street

Strange Brew

Strange Brew

Speed Bump

Speed Bump

Speed Bump

Speed Bump




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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:

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The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor