Dennys Links

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Mocks Rick Perry

Jon StewartImage via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Mocks Rick Perry:

From Denny: Jon Stewart pokes at all the holes in Rick Perry's Texas-sized braggart argument as to why he thinks he should get to be president.

The media was horrified - just like the Independents - at the audience howling for blood, cheered that 234 people were executed in Texas just this year alone.

Stewart has labeled Perry as The Great White Hope.
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The Social Poets: Late Nite Jokes Roundup: Comics Mock 2012 Politics, Faster Load

The Social Poets: Late Nite Jokes Roundup: Comics Mock 2012 Politics, Faster Load:

From Denny: Start off your work week laughs with America's favorite comics. These are all their best jokes for September 2011.

They cover everything from Labor Day, former VP Dick Cheney's new book (Fabrication of Outrageous Lies), President Obama and Speaker Boehner arguing over when the president can give a speech because it might interfere with a lame GOP debate or American football.

We all know which one of those events is most important. :)

The GOP candidates and their strange debates where the audience cheers how many people were executed in Texas this year is a slam dunk for the comics. And the Independents are edging farther and farther away from the GOP, yet, strangely enough, not moving toward Obama and the Democrats either.

Can this be the year ol' Ralph Nader finally succeeds if he makes his bid for the presidency?

Not to be missed are the continuing Sarah Palin jokes. For someone who insists upon being so one-dimensional it sure is amazing just how jokes are manufactured about her.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: True Ouch: Comic Gets A Vasectomy, Fondly Remembers His Balls

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: True Ouch: Comic Gets A Vasectomy, Fondly Remembers His Balls: From Denny:  Just when you think the comics have lampooned and mocked it all, along comes a guy joking about his vasectomy.  Terribly funny, a bit graphic for the sensitive, though he does somewhat blur the explicit photos.

Jason Jones is part of the humorous stable of comics over at Jon Stewart's The Daily Show.  What a crazy set over there.  Definitely nothing is off limits and fodder for humor.  Laugh on as he mocks his own parenthood.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny But True Friday: Dead People Get $600 Million From Government

The Social Poets: Funny But True Friday: Dead People Get $600 Million From Government: From Denny:   Guess what our government finally figured out after it had been going on for decades?  Yes, they have been paying out benefits to dead guys.

A lot of money, to the tune of $600 million, was going to retired or disabled federal workers.  Talk about a great retirement plan.  It's so good our government pays you after you die too.  Who says government doesn't have a heart?

Visual Insights: 18 Funny Coffee Splash Photos

Visual Insights: 18 Funny Coffee Splash Photos: From Denny: Check out the best of the amusing coffee splash photos over at flickr. Many are a first time effort from the photographers.

Ever since flickr created galleries to stash your favorites by themes and in groups of a manageable 18, I've been having fun on a regular basis. Try it sometime and get your own Visual Vacation to rest your tired brain at the end of a work week. :) Enjoy!

Morning coffee

Morning coffee by iBalki @ flickr.  All Rights Reserved with embed code.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Lampoons Obama Solyndra Technology Scandal

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Lampoons Obama Solyndra Technology Scandal:

From Denny: Stewart pokes some fun at both Obama and his critics for "It's not easy being green."

Jon whines: "Does one failed green technology company discredit the idea of a green energy economy?"

"Of course not, but.... say, if in 1936 you spoke about the growing importance of air travel in front of the Hindenburg. Well, you'd be right about the future of air travel but you'd still be on f*cking fire! Oh, the stupidity."

Did Obama maybe just have the misfortune of betting on the wrong horse without evidence Solyndra was just a donkey? Uh, well, he and his political hacks, Axelrod and Plouffe, chose to ignore excellent advice that the business model was a stinker on this business. But hey, Team Obama went ahead and threw away $535 million of taxpayer money for - wait for it - a helluva a photo-op.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Mocks What It Took to Humanize Dick Cheney

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Mocks What It Took to Humanize Dick Cheney: From Denny: Jon Stewart loves to talk about the Darth Vadar metaphor in regards to former Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney has a new book out, called "In My Time," and is busy hawking it on every talk show that will take him.

Stewart gives us many clips of Cheney hard at work selling his piece of fiction he claims is nonfiction. What's amusing is how "The View" talk show just had to say, "Mr. Vice President, let's talk about this little bulge here." She patted his chest. Jon thought that funny as he wondered out loud "how that (statement) played to the radio broadcast audience."

As Cheney launches into his "old man talks about his health issues" talk on "The View," Stewart is speechless, unable to mock. Can it be there is finally something Jon cannot mock successfully? Find out why in this funny clip:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart, Colbert React to Republican Debates

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart, Colbert React to Republican Debates: From Denny: Only Jon Stewart could dissect this crazy GOP line-up, revealing true agendas. When he goes after Michele Bachmann for her idea of mothering it sure is a left field what she says.

You expect her to comment on how raising five biological children and 23 foster children she would opine upon parenting skills in the area of how they needed lots of love and daily structure. Nope. What she says is "children need jobs." No kidding.

What I found most disheartening about her quote about children of poverty - from a over a year ago - is when she commented about how the poor should raise themselves up on their own, without government help - ever.

"Hunger is a great motivator." From that day forward I always wondered if she had starved any of those foster children to force them to do what she demanded.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Funny Robber Dressed as Gumby Almost Arrested For The Fumbles

Sept. 5 - San Diego Police Dept./AP
From Denny:  Talk about the bumbling robber and hilariously funny. This silly guy goes into a San Diego 7-Eleven gas station store to rob them and the clerk refused to take him seriously. (Full story here.)

The Gumby Robber asked first for Marlboro cigarettes.  The clerk thought it was a prank and he had been punked. 

He didn't know who the 1950's Gumby cartoon character was and described Gumby to police later as "a weird greenish version of Spongebob Square Pants."

The clerk told the robber, "I don't have time for this.  I'm cleaning right now."

When challenged, the robber claimed he had a gun and proceeded to try and pull it out of his costume's pocket. Uh, yeah, well, because of that wardrobe malfunction it turns out that only 26 cents in change spilled out from that bad fumble.

The robber was so embarrassed he/she ran out of the store.  Didn't anyone teach this would-be robber at Crime School that a Gumby costume hand isn't as deft as a naked human hand?

What's great about this Gumby video version of the story is that the reporter recounts some other funny masked and costumed robbers caught on video.  Especially check out the guy with the thong underwear on his head as a mask.  Strange but true. ... And that's why they call them people...

Some days it has to be downright funny to be a police officer.  Can you imagine the stories they have to tell that could fill several books? 

Check out the funny video:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Funny Intel Ad N Rockin Music: Dancing Penguins N Operation Rico Star

From Denny:  This will give you a smile while it advertises the product.  There is an entire collection of funny penguin ads from these IT guys who sure like to laugh through their work week.  Sign me up on that program!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes: Talking Trash Politics

LSU wins against the Oregon Ducks 40-27!  All is well in Louisiana tonite.

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes: Talking Trash Politics: From Denny: Catch up for the month of August on all the political and social commentary, courtesy of our beloved national comics.

With the state of our politics in the abyss of The No Sense Zone we all could use a good laugh and these guys sure don't disappoint! :)

The real question is not who are we going to vote for in 2012 but rather do any of us feel motivated to go vote at all considering all the crazy talk and broken promises?

Did you know that increasingly Americans get their news analysis from satirical comedians and blogs like this one? They no longer trust the mainstream media to give them important details of the news. It's more and more apparent that too many media outlets have their own agendas - like making money off forcing an interest in a story or situation: the minutia of the 2012 presidential election.