Dennys Links

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Social Poets: Funny Photo For Tax Day: Tax The Big Dogs! Funny Tax Quotes, Jokes

Tax (Photo credit: 401K)
The Social Poets: Funny Photo For Tax Day: Tax The Big Dogs! Funny Tax Quotes, Jokes: From Denny:  Check out this grin for Tax Day!  Special thanks to Paulo Block on Google +
OK, all you tax time procrastinators, you have until midnight tonight to get your returns in the mail!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Mocks Outrageous Arizona School Board Fearing Mexican-American Studies

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart (Image via

The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Mocks Outrageous Arizona School Board Fearing Mexican-American Studies: From Denny:  The Daily Show may be a comedy show but Jon Stewart utilizes what is happening right here in America as material.  You can't make up this stuff.  It's unbelievable.  How do these incredibly insensitive - and more importantly, really stupid - people rise to such high positions of authority where they affect the lives of millions of people?  It's scary in its implications.

It's difficult to believe this superintendent actually has a doctorate in education.  Are you sure this guy didn't lie on his resume or buy his degree from some online scam site?  It's like listening to my Republican Louisiana Senator David Vitter who claims to be a Rhodes scholar and a lawyer who graduated Ivy League schools.  He can barely put a sentence together and lacks rational thinking just like this fool.

Watch as comic Al Madrigal baits this guy about Mexican-American studies now banned in Arizona's Tucson school district.  The reasons this superintendent gives are incredible, all based only upon hearsay. Hearsay - can you believe it? This guy who heads their school board never even bothered to talk to the teachers of the program or read any of the textbooks.  And he calls himself an educator?  Unbelievable.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 8 Easter Posts To Enjoy: Food, Funny, Poems, Photos

Isenheim Altarpiece: The Resurrection by Matth...
Isenheim Altarpiece: The Resurrection by Matthias Grünewald, completed 1515 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 8 Easter Posts To Enjoy: Food, Funny, Poems, Photos: From Denny:  When you blog for a few years you start amassing some interesting posts on a theme.

Check out the fun facts posted about Easter on my blogs from traditions, origins of the holiday, a photography post of awesome sunrises by many good photographers, a funny Easter Bunny Rap music video, recipes and Spring renewal Easter poems.

May you enjoy your renewal this Spring!
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire About Advertisers Status

Rush Limbaugh - Caricature
Rush Limbaugh - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire About Advertisers Status: From Denny:  I'm with Jon Stewart.  Rush Limbaugh just keeps on giving the comedy material, serving it up on a silver platter. His latest gambit is to now challenge the logic about his advertisers' performance since they left his show or if they stayed.

Normal people call it irrational logic, you know, an oxymoron attempt by Rush.  Sometimes, this guy is just too much fun to lampoon.  It's as silly as the research scientists who decided after lengthy study that, "People die six months before or six months after their birthdays."  That stupid study must have been underwritten by Limbaugh.
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