Dennys Links

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Social Poets: Will The Democrats Go Bust And Cancel Their Convention?

Mitch Daniels - Right to Work for Less

The Social Poets: Will The Democrats Go Bust And Cancel Their Convention?: From Denny:  The Democratic Party is having some serious financial issues lately.  It's only a few months away from the national convention to declare President Obama their candidate for the second time and these guys don't even have enough money to open the doors.  That's right.

Talk about strange.  Why would anyone hold a convention to elect the only guy running anyway?  Better yet, why pay the ridiculous amount of $36 million to hold the three day extravaganza?

Ask them how much money has been raised so far and it's anemic.  They say they have another $27 million to find somewhere though they claim they are not struggling.  That means they only possess a mere $9 million?  What's happening here?  Plenty, it seems.  It was originally scheduled to be a four day event and has now been trimmed down to three days.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Social Poets: Sleazy Obama Campaign Reaches New Low Trolling For Donors


The Social Poets: Sleazy Obama Campaign Reaches New Low Trolling For Donors: From Denny:  In a new low of politics, the Obama camp has turned on their Sleaze Factor to record high levels.  They expect donations to come to them in lieu of your bridal registry, your birthday gifts, even your wedding anniversary.  Can Obama sound any more self-absorbed and greedy?  The Creep Freak Flag is flying high and it isn't even Halloween season yet.

Democrat campaign donors are drying up in this political mean season.  Big Banks and Big Business have all made a mad dash to Team Romney, anointing him with boatloads of cash like they did Obama six months before the election in 2008.  Big Business has changed sides this year.

Obama disappointed Big Business and his own voters alike.  Big Business whined for the entire past 3.5 years, complaining about any mild slaps on the wrists and cheap easy fines from Obama (so he could appear to look good to the public).  Real Democrats complained Obama sucked up to Big Business and never defended the middle class, instead allowing half of the middle class to slip into low income and poverty on his watch.  The middle class have lost their homes by the millions as millions of jobs trotted off overseas.

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 * * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Social Poets: Funny Daily Show Comics Explain The Big Banks of F. U.

Stewart with correspondents (from left to righ...
Stewart with correspondents (from left to right) Samantha Bee, Aasif Mandvi, Jason Jones, John Oliver and Rob Riggle (2008) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Social Poets: Funny Daily Show Comics Explain The Big Banks of F. U.: From Denny:  These days comedians can just open the newspaper online and start mocking wildly.  It is so easy because Big Business and Big Banks hand it to them on a silver platter.  Everyone has an opinion about how banks do business.  Read that as how they screw you over in plain language.  This clip is hilarious so take a look and enjoy the truth told from a fresh perspective.

Wall Street Skunks Mug

What do Wall Street and Skunks have in common? They both are guilty of stinky issues 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Social Poets: GOP Plans To Axe Food Stamps For Over 150 Million Americans

The Social Poets: GOP Plans To Axe Food Stamps For Over 150 Million Americans: From Denny:  Over 46 million households in America depend upon the food stamp benefits program to put enough food on the table to feed their families.

If each household is a family of four then you are looking at maybe as many as 184 million Americans.  That is over half to two-thirds of America in need of help to eat each day.  No one said it meant three meals a day either.

It does not seem to matter to the GOP and Congress that these same Americans have contributed as taxpayers to support these programs.  Now, the unthinkable for the majority of them is to draw food stamps benefits.  They have no choice; the economy is that bad.

Many active duty military to retirees use $100 million in food stamps benefits.  Are the Republicans just out of control crazy to do this to them and the rest of America?  What is wrong with these people?

Funny Job Opening Mousepad
Funny Job Opening Mousepad 

Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Social Poets: John Edwards: DOJ Admits His Innocence, Drops Charges

The Social Poets: John Edwards: DOJ Admits His Innocence, Drops Charges: From Denny:  The word is with several investigations launched - and from many different quarters - breathing down their necks, the DOJ decided to clear their desk and end the political vendetta against former Senator John Edwards.  Are they trying to bury any evidence that would place them in danger of being put in jail for witness and jury tampering?

Law experts all believed it would be months or a couple of years before Edwards could breathe a sigh of relief, anticipating whether or not the DOJ would file a second trial against him after the mistrial on five counts but an acquittal on the major count.

After all, this is one seriously vicious political year and Obama must turn his attention away from savaging fellow Democrats to savaging his contender, Romney.  Romney sure won't spare Obama any slack on the vicious front.  He's a Republican with truckloads of cash suddenly pouring in from Wall Street to help deluge Obama with negative ads.  Democrat donors are fed up with the Obama-Axelrod coalition and the money is just not there for his reelection.

Funny Job Opening *  Check out the Funny Politics section @ Denny Lyon Gifts *  

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: How To Protect Your Vote

Puppet Strings 25/365
The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: How To Protect Your Vote: From Denny:  Middle Class America watches the national political scene play out and we have all come to the same conclusion.  Yes, both political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are so ridiculously compromised by corporate money they are morally rotten to the core.

Neither party listens to their base.  Neither party seriously considers doing anything for their base to improve their lives for such obvious areas like the outrageous cost of health insurance or equal pay in the work place.

Don't believe the moral rot to be true?  There was a time, like the 2008 election, when $100 million won the campaign.  Consider this:  President Obama bragged about how he and Team Obama were collecting $1 billion for his reelection campaign.

The Republicans' Bragging Rights?  They are collecting their own $1 billion - via the Karl Rove machine - and adding to it as we speak.  Over $300 million alone has been donated from The Koch Brothers in this election cycle, the ultra conservative billionaires that hate unions and the unemployed.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: Funny Way 4 U.S. Govt 2 Handle Mexican Drug Smugglers

Images of Strauss-Kahn's perp walk were condem...
Images of Strauss-Kahn's perp walk were condemned in France, where it is illegal to publish such photos before the subject is convicted. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: Funny Way 4 U.S. Govt 2 Handle Mexican Drug Smugglers: From Denny:  Take a peek inside a living room as Middle Class America watches the news, offering up outrageous solutions to the nation's ills.

For decades, Mexican drug smugglers have been devising all kinds of effective methods to penetrate the American coastline.  The news anchor seems to think the various government agencies have proven effective at containing the Mexican drug smugglers on land.

Lately - yes, this is a real news story - the smugglers have turned to retrofitting simple Mexican fishing boats with multiple engines to skim across the water so fast you might blink your eyes and miss them.

Apparently, the Coast Guard and other government agencies working in unison, are on watch every night, seeking out the more than several dozen runs by the smugglers all along the California coastline.

This news clip shows how the law enforcement agencies are successful, and arresting all kinds of smugglers, all lined up for The Perp Walk.

Yeah, Middle America is sitting on the couch taking it all in, fidgeting with the remote, when a stellar idea pops into their heads.  All that arrest business sure is a lot of unnecessary work.  We have a more effective solution of how to deal with these cheesy Mexican smugglers.
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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Social Poets: John Edwards Trial: Free At Last! Edwards Wins New Life

Four Trials by John Edwards
Four Trials by John Edwards (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Social Poets: John Edwards Trial: Free At Last! Edwards Wins New Life: From Denny:  After nine days of deliberations, the jury found John Edwards not guilty on the central count, count three.  The jury found Edwards not guilty of receiving illegal campaign contributions.

There is no verdict on the other five counts because the 12-person jury could not come to a unanimous decision as is required under federal criminal law.  So, the judge was forced to declare a mistrial.

What was interesting today is how the judge received a note from the jury of the acquittal on one count, though she did not announce which way the verdict went.  Instead, she and the prosecutors insisted that the jury go back and reconsider changing their positions and keep working on all the counts.  Did the judge not like the acquittal on the one count and wanted the jury to change it?

The jury sent a second note about an hour later with the fact they were deadlocked for a unanimous decision on the remaining five counts under consideration.  Read that as a frustrated jury saying, "Screw you, judge, we're done and are going home."

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