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Monday, October 12, 2009

10 Funny Work Quotes for Monday Morning

Photo of 1940's WW II women at work in a steel factory by The U. S. National Archives @ flickr - Guess you can tell I'm a huge fan of housework... :)

From Denny: I actually slowed down a bit this past weekend to do some housework. Duty called and it's been calling for some time (and you sometimes wonder if you should don a haz-mat suit like these ladies). This time of year it's a good idea to break down the house room by room and clean it all thoroughly before winter settles in, especially if you have some four-footed friends like we do.

For someone who is no fan of the boring business of doing housework and would rather be laughing, found with a very large glass of great red wine in her hand visiting with friends or anything else wonderfully sociable, I came on over to my funny quotes blog for a laugh before I got started on the dreary job. Then it was time to play some loud rock and dance music to keep me going. Hey! Whatever works, right?

Here are some of the funny housework quotes that kept me in good humor, thinking about them while I was working. Might be equally applicable to the usual suspect called The Work Week! Enjoy!


* The obvious and fair solution to the housework problem is to let men do the housework for, say, the next six thousand years, to even things up. The trouble is that men, over the years, have developed an inflated notion of the importance of everything they do, so that before long they would turn housework into just as much of a charade as business is now. They would hire secretaries and buy computers and fly off to housework conferences in Bermuda, but they'd never clean anything. - Dave Barry

* One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop. - G.M. Weilacher

* They're sure housework won't kill you, but why take the risk? - Anonymous

* My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance. - Anonymous

* Don't cook. Don't clean. No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum - "My God, the floor's immaculate. Lie down, you hot bitch." - Joan Rivers, comedian

* This house is protected by killer dust bunnies. - Anonymous (in my house they are made of cat fur, and like they take on this mind of their own and suddenly start rolling when I'm running after them to catch up until, at last, success, and hurl them into the garbage can.)

* There's nothing to match curling up with a good book when there's a repair job to be done around the house. - Joe Ryan

And then when you are in the middle of it all, bored but accomplished plenty of clean (or you're at work for the same equivalent) our thoughts should turn to retirement for encouragement:

* In retirement, every day is Boss Day and every day is Employee Appreciation Day. – Anonymous

* Retirement is wonderful. It's doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it. - Gene Perret

* When you retire, think and act as if you were still working; when you're still working, think and act a bit as if you were already retired. – Anonymous

*** For more laughs make sure you visit my other blog, The Social Poets, for late night show quips, jokes and funny videos all in one Roundup of Sunday Funnies post every Monday. Cheeky Quote Day is on Wednesdays and Editorial Cartoons Roundup on Saturdays.

*** Check out my other humor blog, Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd, where I park whatever I find while cruising the web, a variety of goodies!

*** To keep you laughing and arm you with some interesting trivia check out 25 Weird Coffee Trivia to Astound and Amuse You! Funny coffee related photos too, enjoy!

What's going on at some of the other blogs today:

This Weeks Roundup of Sunday Funnies - Biden's Nobel Hairpiece Prize

What is the Simplest Good Spirituality and Why?

Everyone is Wondering What the Nobel Peace Prize Committee Saw in President Obama

*** Have a great week, everyone, and thanks for visiting!