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Friday, October 2, 2009

13 Lucky Quotes Lampooning Genius and a Cartoon

From Denny: Seems like a natural transition from quotes about jokes and politics would be to lampoon humanity's fascination with "genius." I sure grew up around a bunch of crazies from the intelligence community who were obsessed with it using the spouses and children of their officers as guinea pigs in their psych and intelligence studies. Why people who were not geniuses thought they could define genius is beyond the ozone layer of stupidity.

Can you tell I either refused to take IQ tests or threw the ones they twisted both my arms to take? Even when they thought me stupid AND deaf they wouldn't leave me alone. One, only a smart person would refuse to allow them control over them and two, deaf means a person refuses to listen to crazy people who make no sense. Worked for me! :) So, I suppose is why I so enjoy lampooning the self-righteous, arrogant and other odious members of society. Enjoy the quotes! (and color me into the naughty corner...)


* A genius is one who can do anything except make a living. - Joey Lauren Adams

* A great many people think that polysyllables are a sign of intelligence. - Barbara Walters

* Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire

* Every man is a potential genius - until he does something. - Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree

* Every man of genius is considerably helped by being dead. - Robert S. Lynd

* Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

* Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense. - Josh Billings (this sounds closest to the truth)

* Genius lasts longer than Beauty. That accounts for the fact that we all take such pains to over-educate ourselves. - Oscar Wilde

* If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't. - Emerson M. Pugh

* When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. - Jonathan Swift

* Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered - either by themselves or by others. - Mark Twain

* Perhaps imagination is only intelligence, genius, having fun. - George Scialabra

* Passion holds up the bottom of the universe and genius paints up its roof. - Chao Chang