Dennys Links

Friday, April 2, 2010

Religious Sex Scandal Cartoons

From Denny: Sadly, this is Holy Week for Christianity and we have a bunch of arrogant Bozo the clowns running a billion member church. The people need to exercise their voice by refusing to fund the Catholic Church, or any other Protestant, Jewish, Muslim groups who have the same sex scandals of preying upon and molesting little children. It's digusting and the only way it will ever end is if the church members quit acting as enablers. Stare down the truth and then quit funding the evil until the churches right themselves through a massive purge and reform.

The real Jesus must be outraged at all this abuse. It was he who taught that children are worthy to be well treated and loved properly.

While there are a lot of good men doing good work as priests and pastors they are over shadowed by this mess that refuses to go away. Too much has gone on for too long and it must be addressed and corrected.

One thing is for sure this Easter Season Holy Week, there needs to be a whole lot of asking for forgiveness of all the children who are now adults. They need the closure and validation. Anything less and the churches and all of its members are not worthy to call themselves followers of the true Lord Jesus Christ or God.

If you - or anyone you know - needs help from this issue of molestation by clergy there is a national support group available: SNAP - Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

*** If you - or anyone you know - needs help from this issue of molestation by clergy there is a national support group available: SNAP - Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

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