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Saturday, May 22, 2010
Dark Humor: BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 22 May 2010
Photo by I'm Fantastic @ flickr
From Denny: And BP continues to be the top contender for the Bozo Sapien Award of the week. If their lips are moving they are lying. Yep, that pretty much sums it up. These guys don't seem to know how to tell the truth even once. Everything is about hedging their bets that no one realizes or takes the time to research the truth.
First it's only 5,000 barrels of oil leaking a day to once they were called out by scientists the estimates are it could be as high as 100,000 barrels a day are leaking out of the broken well.
Then BP claims they will bear the financial burden of clean up. Now, a month later there is all this finger pointing toward Halliburton and Transocean for financial burden. They all finger point at the other guy like some crass shell game where the American taxpayers end up the losers no matter which choice is made.
The after dinner spiked coffee equivalent for BP was they then turned to their puppet Republican politicians to help stop the legislation to lift the cap on $75 million liability for this disaster. Congress will lift the cap anyway if only for self-preservation as our Treasury continues to bleed from a two-front war and unemployment benefits and other necessities. It's about time Big Business got off their fat assets and started paying their fair share - especially when they are the ones who created this colossal mess.
Well, one good thing has come out of this environmental disaster: finally, America is rid of the Bush appointee government employees running the Mineral Management Services (under the Department of the Interior) that could not be ousted any other way than through public exposure of negligence and corruption. Oh, the delicious silver lining of black gold... :)
*** ALSO check out the full post over at The Social Poets where there are more links to great cartoons of the week:
America This Week: World Politics Cartoons and Commentary - 22 May 2010
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