Dennys Links

Friday, May 14, 2010

Funny Video: Colbert On BP Oil Containment - No One Knows What The Flock They're Doing

Photo by I'm Fantastic @ flickr - And the Bozo Sapien Award goes to BP! (no surprise there)

From Denny: We all have been watching the news every night to watch the oil industry version of a farce while BP pretends to be serious about cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico off my state of Louisiana. Colbert had some fun lampooning BP's weak efforts by creating his version of a wheel of fortune game spin of what random choices will we try today. Colbert calls his fix the "Oil Containment Solution Randomizer." If anyone is clever enough to come up with a solution it's Colbert. :)

I find it interesting there is technology out there, tested methods of clean-up by skimming tankers and yet BP has employed none of that in place out in the Gulf. These guys are freaking cheap. Even actor Kevin Costner is here to help with his solution and BP doesn't take his calls or the calls of many other people trying to help.

Anyway, Colbert aptly captures the frustration of everyone about this environmental mess. He pokes fun at all the current solutions of oil clean-up using animal and human hair to plugging the oil rig with golf balls. Good luck getting golf balls down to 18,000 feet without exploding. Colbert believes that "No one knows what the f--k they're doing." Yep, that about sums it up. And we trust these guys with our energy needs in this country???

Colbert On Oil Containment: "No One Knows What The F--k They're Doing"

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Oil Containment Solution Randomizer
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

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