Dennys Links

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Great American Immigration Debate: Political Cartoons - 8 May 2010

Photo by I'm Fantastic @ flickr

From Denny:
Talk about the weirdness factor ticking up higher every week in the news with this new Arizona immigration law. Just how are they going to really enforce this law on a daily basis? Seems like they would have to increase their police force by 100,000 to turn the state into a proper police state.

Who ever heard of having to carry proof of citizenship papers on you at all times like you are living in a foreign country? Surely this is a nightmare for the police.

Can you imagine how clogged the courts are about to get in Arizona? They think they are paying too much for taxes now. What happens as they enforce this law and start processing people through the courts for lawful or unlawful detention? This could really get messy before it's all over. Just think of the lawsuits.

Arizona could have caught a lot of the illegal business through their driver's license program if they bothered to change that law and probably would have had a lot less controversy since they would not be racially profiling. All they have to do is check for birth certificates in America or other countries. As their current law stands people from other countries are allowed driver's licenses as are foreign students attending local universities.

Of course, if they really wanted to cure the problem they would never have supported the Republican agenda in the first place. As it was, Bush and Cheney created a no border highway from Mexico through America and up into Canada. That's right. Bush created a highway the American people did not want.

There are no check points for stopping illegals on this trucking highway. Guns, drugs and smuggled human trafficking goes on here. The Republicans keep wanting to put the onus onto the Democrats for illegal aliens and drug issues but the fact is it's the Republicans under Bush who intensified this mess. OK, Arizona, your first step back to sanity is to quit voting Republican.

*** ALSO today for political cartoons opinion of the latest news:

Oil Spill Disaster Cartoons - Whats Happening This Week in America - 8 May 2010

Times Square Terrorist Bomber: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Greek Debt Crisis 4 The World: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Funny Wall Street Cartoons - 8 May 2010

Funny Love-Hate Relationships of Fox News, Republicans, Tea Party, Airlines and Obama Cartoons - 8 May 2010

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