Dennys Links

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cartoons: Staycation, New Summer Trend 4 Middle Class - 5 June 2010

*** Check out funny political cartoons on broke America's new trend, the Staycation, as a substitute for those former summer trips to Europe or the beach.

From Denny: We Americans love our sarcastic sense of humor, especially when it is about our selves. Cartoonists sum up everyone's attitude as we all adjust to a chaotic economy and leave behind the high flying 80's free-flowing money and consumerism. Think of it this way: Everyone in the world is becoming increasingly equal. Maybe now is a great time to set aside status and wealth pursuit for the development of healthier relationships based on more than "stuff."

Like many millionaires will tell you, "It's easy to make your first million. The hard part is holding on to it. Then you go to work, recover and create wealth all over again." Meanwhile, let's all try to get our heads back in the game and have some fun while we are in this economic situation.

And here's why it's smart to embrace the Staycation:

*** See Also: Cartoons: Obama vs. BPs Oil Spill - 5 June 2010

*** See Also: World Idiots: Israel Gaza Raid Mess, North Korea Cartoons - 5 June 2010

*** See Also: Funny Summer Heatwave Cartoons - 5 June 2010

*** See Also: Tea Party Weird and Immigration Cartoons - 5 June 2010

*** See Also: Cartoons: Global Warming Al Gores Surpise Divorce - 5 June 2010

*** See Also: Funny Fathers Day Cartoons - 5 June 2010

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