Dennys Links

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ouch: Reporter Helen Thomas Career Ender Comments Cartoons

*** Helen Thomas forced to retire over career-ending idiot comments.

Photo by Tansan @ flickr

From Denny: It's tough getting old. In the case of Helen Thomas, she should have had the good sense to retire years ago from the day to day White House press. When you are pushing 90 years old you know that sooner or later you will say something lame or downright controversial. Helen gave herself a career-ending doozie too.

Between the comics and the cartoonists Helen took quite a beating, sort of like the public beatdowns she has done on at least four Presidents during her tenure as White House press. Guess it was a case of Karma backlash. Check out Jon Stewart as he does clips of an incredulous interview with Helen as she digs the hole deeper and deeper.

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