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Friday, October 15, 2010

Funny Video: Stewart RIPS Karl Rove, Fox News 4 Selective Foreign Donor Outrage

Check out Jon Stewart as he nails Karl Rove and the Republicans to the wall for their usual hypocrisy and phony outrage - all with news clips.

From Denny: Does anyone like dastardly Republican dirty tricks political strategist Karl Rove? Not even the Republicans like him any more. Well, you know the Democrats despise him for sure. Everyone is holding their breath while the law catches up with him - like those recent emails that surfaced this week proving he lied to a grand jury about being guilty of treason - outting CIA operative Valerie Plame.

You know, the lady who was tracking nukes in the Middle East and keeping us safe. Yeah. Cheney, Bush and Rove blew up a long nurtured intelligence network to keep nukes out of the hands of terrorists. When Rove exposed Plame - just because he was mad at her husband for contradicting Rove's phony statements about Iraq nukes - he exposed all the people feeding us information to locate those rogue nuke operations. The new movie is out about this incident and pretty accurate to the history.

While waiting for prosecution against Rove, Jon Stewart has made himself content ripping Rove, other GOP leaders and Fox News, exposing them for consistent lying and hypocrisy. It's so simple really. All Stewart had to do was to pull Fox News' own news clips to prove it. Ain't Life grand?! :)

Stewart also talks about the latest idiot ruling out from the Supreme Court, called the Citizens United ruling, that relaxed restrictions on how much money anonymous corporations can spend on political ads. Oh, sweet, we get our airwaves flooded by anonymous a$$holes instead of the ones we can target for tar and feather and run out of town parties.

This same ruling also allows organizations called "501c4s" to get a special tax status where they are not demanded to reveal just who donated to them. Bigger a$$holes in this group. Does it get any more corrupt than this Chief Justice Roberts' Supreme Court in the new millennium?

Stewart points out that primarily the Republicans, but also the Democrats, both promote fear mongering. Of course, Karl Rove was terribly indignant he was accused of what he has always done: lie and fear monger. Now he is calling for that to be revealed who is behind all these accusations against him and the Republicans. What a hypocrite as Stewart soon reveals.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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