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Friday, December 10, 2010

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks FOX on War on Christmas

Check out glib Stewart as he blasts crazy Fox News for the imaginary War on Christmas brigade marching into their studio.

From Denny: Check out the fun Stewart has poking fun at the righteous indignation of people FOX believes to be creating a War on Christmas. Geesh! It's like all the nut jobs have come out of the closet and are thronging in the streets like it's some kind of weird revolution.

The whole point of Christmas is the core teaching of goodwill toward others. How is that a war? And why would anyone go to war deciding others were going to war on Christmas? It's bizarre to say the least. Gee, "Do ya think?" it really might have something to do with the fact that Rupert Murdock's Sleaze National Inquirer is up for bankruptcy reorganization? Guess he's trying to build a new audience over at FOX Imitation News.

Daily Show: Recap - Week of 12/06/10
Jon watches as Fox News dusts off the War on Christmas, and Larry Wilmore invites the South to re-secede.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Recap - Week of 12/06/10
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

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Funny Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 8 Dec 2010 - Check out how the comedians view WikiLeaks and Santa.

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Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks Confederate Commemoration - Enjoy a little North-South humor from Jon Stewart lampooning the Confederate reenacting.

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