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Sunday, March 13, 2011

18 Funny Satire Cartoons: The Old, Really Old, Pride

From Denny: OK, OK, I'll finally share and pull these funnies out of draft post status and send the little darlings out into the cold cruel world... I'm always on the lookout for new cartoonists so be sure to shoot me an email when you find someone new on the scene. Hope you all enjoyed Raymond Betancourt from his "Twisted" cartoon blog. The link is just below this post so be sure to check him out if you haven't already. Meanwhile, laugh at the old folks and their crazy antics.  Irreverent commentary provided free of charge, just for today... 

You know you are in trouble when you start with the double glasses: one pair is for reading and the other for life... and you are still reading news print instead of online.

Ballard Street

The latest generation's version of the family snitch... the old pride starts at a young age...

Speed Bump

Ah, the old comforts from the good old days...

Speed Bump

Hmmm... if it's that simple what does it say about you?  A real case of "don't go there!"

Ballard Street

OK, what latest self-development class has he been attending down at the senior center...?

Ballard Street

Actually, delusional people can be a lot of fun, especially in conversation...

Ballard Street

The newer version of The Three Bears and Their Bad Attitude About Laptops...

Moderately Confused

There are those days when even the family dog gets a Fail!

Ballard Street

People Pride trickles down to the family dog bragging on his latest read...

Moderately Confused

You know you are no longer mentally wrapped tight when you start hanging out with the family dog in the hot tub, deep in meaningful conversation... and he sounds reasonable!

Speed Bump

Your latest neighbor visit from The Ewwww! Naked Neighbor In Full View Police...

Speed Bump

Hmmmm.... too many hours out on that lonely road to catch speeders...

Speed Bump

Another job for The Ewwwww! Put Your Shirt On, Pahleez! Police...

Ballard Street

But did you get all that?  It's really simple, let me say it slower...

Moderately Confused

Oh, the oh, so sublime understanding wife... What a lucky guy!

Ballard Street

Doris thought she would broadcast to the whole world just how she felt about, well, everything...

Ballard Street

You know when you have been spending far too much time in your favorite coffee house...

Moderately Confused

All you comedy addicts will be going into withdrawal since Charlie Sheen was fired this week from the show.  Of course, until the lawyers shut him up, he will be providing free and spontaneous entertainment up on Twitter and in the news nonstop...

Bruce Beattie

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