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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3 Funny Videos: Jon Stewart At Not War, Obama Defends Libya War

Jon StewartImage via Wikipedia
From Denny:  Jon Stewart sure keeps this White House on their toes. Actually, he agrees with the President on going into Libya for the most part. But, being a comedian, it's his patriotic duty to lampoon politics wherever and whenever possible. These video clips are Stewart's response to when Obama and the coalition began bombing Gadafi to gain air superiority, establishing the No-Fly Zone.

Daily Show: America at Not-War - Obama Defends Military Action in Libya
Ten days after America starts bombing Libya, President Obama takes to the podium to convince Americans that they should bomb Libya.

Daily Show: America at Not-War - Obama's Pragmatic Foreign Policy Decisions
President Obama describes America's action in Libya without the soaring freedom rhetoric.

Daily Show: Define and Conquer
Jay Carney makes America's military action in Libya sound like a PBS special, and President Obama calls the conflict a "turd sandwich."

To return to the main post and more funny video:

Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup

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