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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert Lampoon Gov. Schwarzenegger Sex Scandal

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2003 Cannes film festivalImage via Wikipedia
From Denny: Stewart claims The Snark Fairy anonymously left him the comedy material on his desk, depicting "Ah-nold" in all his glorious movie posters. Stewart is his usual irreverent self as he debates the difference between a child's game of pin the tail on the donkey or pin the balls on the Schwarzenegger.

And then there's the Colbert take on the sex scandal news... Colbert is convinced you tune in to his show for him to tell you how you feel about these scandals in the news. After all, it's his duty to think for you about such important matters. He says "at the rate Arnold is going he is making John Edwards look like father of the year."

Two videos for today's satire, enjoy!

Tuesday May 17, 2011
Daily Show: Bonin the Barbarian
Jon can't resist the irresistible comic possibilities of the Arnold Schwarzenegger sex scandal.

And then Colbert weighs in on the sex scandal:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Sex Scandal
Stephen has more important things to talk about than Arnold Schwarzenegger's illegitimate child, like oil subsidies.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Sex Scandal
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