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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Funny Jon Stewart On Happy Gays, NYC Gay Pride Parade

From Denny: It's been the talk of the news stations all over America this week. New York legalized marriage for same sex couples. It is a major civil rights victory. Though, I predict, that once they get accustomed to having the right to marry they will do just like everyone else: get divorced.

But, as Jon Stewart tells it, "it set gay and lesbian couples free from having to set foot in Connecticut" (to get married).

Of course, to hear conservatives tell it, this is now the end of society as we know it. Does this sound as silly to you as it does me? Why would someone else getting married affect whether I choose to get married or stay married?

Meanwhile, the real reason for giving a group of folks their civil rights surfaced. New York state will realize $184 million in revenue over the next three years.

Of course, what will really be interesting to watch over the next decade is just how much the gay population may decline. After all, if society soon legalizes all that is wicked, rebellious or taboo just how interesting will being gay continue to be? Gay and married may become the new boring. * * * 2 funny videos from Jon.

Monday June 27, 2011
Happy Gays
New York's Senate legalizes same-sex marriage, and Barack Obama wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.

Warning: The end of this video might be offensive for some viewers with the mock gay kissing which is part of the satire. The whole point is irreverence and silly fun.

Monday June 27, 2011
Happy Gays - New York Gay Pride Parade
Josh Gad hits the streets of New York to find out what implications the legalization of same-sex marriage will have on the city.

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