Dennys Links

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Social Poets: Billionaire Koch Brothers Send Attack Lobbyists to Stop Energy Legislation

The Social Poets: Billionaire Koch Brothers Send Attack Lobbyists to Stop Energy Legislation: "From Denny: The famous Koch Brothers, who love to meddle in the very same government they claim should not basically exist, are now flexing their financial muscles again. They are demanding legislators lose the proposed energy legislation for natural gas subsidies to help wean America off oil.

Of course, Koch Industries, based out of Kansas, primarily has interests in oil, refining and pipelines as well as chemicals and consumer products like toilet paper (Angel Soft) and paper towels (Brawny). These are the same numb nuts that want to burrow an oil sands pipeline straight up through America to Canada from Houston.

Did I mention they want to dig said crazy pipeline under the only fresh drinking water, an underground glacier, for the entire Midwest population? Oh, and they claim 'it's perfectly safe and nothing will go wrong.' Uh, huh, and that's what BP told us here in Louisiana about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill clean up."