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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Social Poets: Cartoons, Jon Stewart Video: Funny Newt Gingrich 2012 Corner

The Social Poets: Cartoons, Jon Stewart Video: Funny Newt Gingrich 2012 Corner: "From Denny:  The ridiculous figure of 67-year-old Newt Gingrich - running for any political office or standing at the marriage altar - is tailor made for the late night comics and the cartoonists. Newt Gingrich lampoons and mocks himself every time he opens his mouth.

His latest gaffe has been trying to explain what he is doing with a $500,000 dollar credit account with the jeweler Tiffany's. Easy way to funnel bribe money for a presidential candidate? Does make a person wonder. But then he is married for the third time to a woman 23 years his junior - so that explains all the necessary baubles to keep her distracted from whom she is married to every minute of the day.

What is more striking is how the Republican presidential candidates are much too quiet about Newtie's jewelry account. Could it be they are also guilty of the same offense? Does make a person wonder about that too."

Bill Day