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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Funny Colbert: His Super PAC Pushing The Limits

From Denny: Colbert continues his expose of how our American government really works: Super PACs for unlimited and completely anonymous political fund raising. 

All satire aside, Colbert actually did go before a government agency, the FEC, to get the OK to create his own Super PAC for who-knows-what fund raising. They gave permission and he's been off on his crazy rants ever since.

It will be interesting to see just how much money he does manage to raise during the 2012 election, making a mockery of our ridiculous political system. What will be funnier still is which politicians - and how many - will approach him to do ads for them. In other words, "Spend your money for me!"
Meanwhile, Colbert is like a kid in a candy store having more fun with his newly discovered legitimate Super PAC. He even has a website: Become a member today and donate! Stephen promises not to use your email addresses for anything but good. He also promises you can expect mountains of spam just like Hormel.

Better yet, check out Colbert's official FEC opinion for him to create this Super PAC: FEC opinion

Monday July 11, 2011

Colbert Report: Colbert Super PAC - Pushing the Limits
The media reaction to the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of Colbert Super PAC has been as overwhelming as the number of dollar bills stuffed in Stephen's g-string.

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