Dennys Links

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes About Rupert Murdoch, Debt Ceiling, Politics

Rupert Murdoch - CaricatureRupert Murdoch, Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes About Rupert Murdoch, Debt Ceiling, Politics: "From Denny:  You can't say this summer's hot weather didn't bring with it some seriously bizarre political entertainment.  Never a dull moment the past week.  Rupert Murdoch became the news instead of creating the fictitious news and selling it as if it were the truth, the usual business of a tabloid 'news' organization.

Rupert Murdoch and the News Corp Scandal

Murdoch was busy employing media consultants to come up with a strategy of how to distract Parliament while it was going badly for him when he was testifying.  No one in Britain - or the rest of the world - wanted to hear him and his son, James, whine about how they were not aware of all the wrong doing going on in their tabloid news rooms."
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