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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

31 Funny Street Sign Photos

From Denny:  Check out these hilarious - and sometimes socially inappropriate and politically incorrect street signs.  Many of these photos are of British street signs and the archaic English looks strange or downright rude to Americans. You really wonder who creates these signs - a bunch of bored state employees intent upon wreaking havoc upon the unsuspecting public?  Can they be aspiring comics, wishing to quit their day job?  You decide. :)

And for the raunchy, insensitive and politically incorrect but funny minded. Amazing how language has changed over the generations of how an obscure or archaic name - sometimes just misspelled? - eventually is considered downright rude:

                  Actually this is supposed to be "Canal St" in Manchester, England

This sign must be from New Orleans... only in Louisiana. :)

Cleverly worded signs:

                  This one makes you think of Burger King:

                       These guys have been reading far too many Harry Potter books:

Just in time for the Halloween scare and horror revulsion:

                This place is so awesome we don't just let in anybody here:

             For your favorite serial killers during Halloween:

     Looks like famed insane cult leader/serial killer Charles Manson's fan club has been busy          erecting "monuments" to him:

           Hmmm... directions for singles?

         This is still amusing to watch the horrified look on the faces of conservatives when they view            this.  Interestingly enough it was the conservatives who paved the way for gays to marry in             the U. S.  How?  By opposing gay folks in such a hateful way that all of us heterosexuals                 suddenly took notice and recognized that every human being is deserving of human rights.              Yeah, that conservative hate strategy backfired politically.

      And yet another stupid street sign.  Who thinks up these ridiculous insulting names anyway?           Only in the U.K.... though we have our far share of Stupid in the U. S.  Hope you laughed your       way through all these silly photos, energized for yet another work week!  Thanks for visiting!

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