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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Libya: Comic Talks Marketing Guru, Rebranding Libya

John Oliver Occupy Wall Street 2011 ShankboneImage by david_shankbone via FlickrFrom Denny:  This Daily Show interview, conducted by comic John Oliver with former Libyan Ambassador Ali Suleiman Aujali, is a study in what we call in Louisiana "Crawfishing."  Get a laugh and watch this 40 year loyal servant of Gaddafi walk backwards his life, his actions, and resell himself as a servant of Libya.

John Oliver:  "Gaddafi is one of the most eccentric despots in the Middle East. This leather-faced, Ukrainian nurse-loving lunatic has been in power since 1969."

Then Oliver compares both their bosses as dictators:  "We both work for charismatic dictatorial figures who don't like to leave their rooms unless it's to go on to TV.  They are both addicted to the adulation of crowds.  They both look really weird up close.  They both like Jewish jokes - though probably for different reasons..."

Oliver frames the interview like a commiseration fest over bad bosses.  Not to be missed is Oliver's marketing campaign to rename Libya to some seriously outrageous and funny ones.  He never did manage to sell the ambassador on any of it.  Get a look and a laugh for your work week:

No'Amor Qaddafi - A Look Back at Rebranding Libya

To find out what the future might hold for a free Libya, The Daily Show takes a look back at John Oliver's interview with Ambassador Ali Suleiman Aujali.

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