Dennys Links

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Social Poets: Merry Christmas to ALL! Christmas News Video Clips

Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu.
Image via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Merry Christmas to ALL! Christmas News Video Clips: From Denny: Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season. Hope you enjoyed a tasty feast and stuffed yourselves silly. Just wait until the New Year for those calorie regrets. Enjoy your day and thank you for all your support this year! :)

Thought I'd put up a few cool Christmas video news clips of people who live the Christmas spirit of goodwill and giving to others.
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Awww Cute Video: Nanny Cat Lays On Paws 4 Vulcan Mind Meld, Soothes Cranky Baby

From Denny:  This is pretty cute, beyond the usual animal video.  This cat really does have patience for the young baby that feels just a little bit fussy while marooned in the rocker.

Maybe the parents are doing something else and the baby feels neglected.  Maybe the baby has started teething and he is running a mild fever.  Maybe he is just loading up his diaper and going, "Whoa! What is that?!"

Whatever the case the family cat, Stewie, is on the job as Cat Nanny.  When Connar begins to fuss Stewie stretches over a paw and ever so gently massages the top of his head to soothe.

It's like the cat said, "My mind to your mind, Star Trek Mr. Spock Vulcan Mind Meld style, rest, child, rest."  The baby falls asleep dutifully, listening telepathically to the Cat Nanny on the job.  The cat yawns toward the end of the video, reaches forward and carefully kisses the baby's head.

By the way, over four million people have already watched this video.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Check Out Christmas Posts: Funny, Music, Cartoons, Quotes, Recipes, Poems, Stories

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Check Out Christmas Posts: Funny, Music, Cartoons, Quotes, Recipes, Poems, Stories: From Denny:  Check out so many Christmas themed posts that you will pig out like it is a holiday feast.

I've been blogging for three years now and have found loads of Christmas music of all genres - and still adding.  Interesting food to enjoy along with Christmas humor to keep you laughing as well as munching through your busy holidays.

This year I'm adding more Christmas stories and poems, the classics.  Every year there are new recipes to try so the holiday food train just keeps on rolling!
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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: 20 Christmas Poems From Favorite Classic Poets

bright lights, big city

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: 20 Christmas Poems From Favorite Classic Poets: From Denny:  Revisit some old favorites and discover new poetry friends from the past century.  Here are 20 classic poems, some familiar like "The Night Before Christmas" and many more are so old and not taught in the current fast-paced culture that the past couple of generations may not have read them. These poems are so dense with imagery and archaic language it will exercise your brain and warm your heart at the same time! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Funny Baby and Husky Dog Singing For The Camera

From Denny:  This will have you laughing so hard.  Be careful not to fall off the chair.  Check out the father's sock foot up on the wall and hear him snickering in the background while the mother films the funny episode.

The dog is a husky and is named Angel singing along with her human, a baby named Lexi.  Lexi is so young her tongue muscles have not caught up with her thoughts she is trying to express.  It's as if the dog understands her conversation that probably goes something like this:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Mocks Perry Romney 10K Bet

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart (Image via
The Social Poets: Funny Jon Stewart Mocks Perry Romney 10K Bet: From Denny:  This is too funny.  Jon points out that on the GOP national debate stage a Mormon is gambling with an evangelical about who is the biggest liar of the two, to the tune of 10,000 large.  According to comic John Oliver, this feeds into the narrative of Romney being an out of touch rich guy millionaire.

After all, the average person in Iowa makes a $10 bet not a $10, 000 one.  Only rich guys throw money around like that demonstration.

How dumb can you get?  In the worst economic depression in 70 years you have a millionaire making expensive bets in front of an audience trying to figure out how to keep their kids in college and pay their mortgage.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Social Poets: Political Cartoon, Video: Obama And His Fellow Election Pundits

Barack Obama
Image by jamesomalley via Flickr
The Social Poets: Political Cartoon, Video: Obama And His Fellow Election Pundits: From Denny:   As the 2012 election gears up to wear out the American public this month and for the next year nonstop, I thought I'd remind my fellow media guys - and now President Obama - just how bad they often look when giving their opinions, especially of their own accomplishments.  It really is the season of having to endure more delusional smug political propaganda from both sides of the aisle.

Tis the season of the cartoonish political pundit, spouting off silly opinions that rarely ever come true but sure makes for funny entertainment.  This pastel drawing is a classic of mine.  It was drawn when George Bush 43 began his campaign for president back in 1998.

The Repbulicans tout how they are gods we the voters are supposed to bow down and worship.  You see, they keep their message pretty simple:  Worship me; get nothing and like it.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Cenk Uygur Mocks Donald Trumps Many Bankruptcies

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...
Image via Wikipedia
Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Cenk Uygur Mocks Donald Trumps Many Bankruptcies: From Denny: Where else does a post about blowhard Donald Trump belong than on a humor blog about the outrageous and obnoxious? This "The Young Turks" radio show discussion is hilarious. They rip Donald Trump on his many lies - while they rip Fox News. Today is Double Dip Funny!
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Comfort Food From Louisiana: Beef: Braised Sirloin Tips

BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 15:  Mushroom special...
Mushrooms Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Comfort Food From Louisiana: Beef: Braised Sirloin Tips: From Denny: Want a low maintenance meal to throw in the oven during the holiday season while you tend to other things? A hearty casserole is always welcome when the weather turns chilly. You might want relief from dining on turkey. Why not try this easy braised sirloin tips recipe?

Besides, it has brain food: mushrooms. During the holiday season it's easy to get frazzled and it sure is fun to know that mushrooms are available to get our overloaded brains back on target. :)
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Monday, December 12, 2011

The Soul Calendar: Total Lunar Eclipse Put On Intense Red Display, Photos: 10 Dec 2011

lunar eclipse

LUNAR ECLIPSE: Five moons, a composite image of a lunar eclipse, showing the path of the moon into and then out of earth's shadow. (Telescope Image).   Source: Supplied

The Soul Calendar: Total Lunar Eclipse Put On Intense Red Display, Photos: 10 Dec 2011: From Denny: The 10 December 2011 total lunar eclipse was the last total lunar eclipse to be seen until April 2014. At least we can view a partial lunar eclipse on 4 June 2012. It was reported to be an intense red, putting on quite a show in the sky. In fact, the type of red color was considered a rare treat.

Of course, when I went out to view it here in south Louisiana all I got was a completely cloudy sky. It's time for me to move up to higher ground, like the mountains. The Gulf Coast just doesn't cut it for proper skygazing. :)

From atmospheric scientist and eclipse expert Richard Keen of the University of Colorado: "During the lunar eclipse, most of the light illuminating the moon passes through the stratosphere, where it is reddened by scattering. If the stratosphere is loaded with dust from volcanic eruptions, the eclipse will be dark. A clear stratosphere, on the other hand, produces a brighter eclipse."
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Video: Santa Rocks India!

Dennys Funny Quotes: Video: Santa Rocks India!: From Denny: You gotta love India - these guys know how to have some fun. They must be the original "rockers"!

Jingles Bells sung in English but in Punjabi style... Can you imagine the original writer of these Christmas songs must be cringing in their graves? While the rest of us are dancing! :)
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Dennys Funny Quotes: Cool Video: Literally Dancing on The Piano to Play the Song

Dancing on the keys by pianoforte

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cool Video: Literally Dancing on The Piano to Play the Song: From Denny: Move over 50's rocker Jerry Lee Lewis... OK, now I want one for Christmas! This looks like too much fun!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Funny Video Fail: Static Charged Dog Prances Proudly

Dog sunny Day Afternoon
Another funny dog Image by allert via Flickr
From Denny:  Every animal lover will laugh at this one.  Hey, the dog just wanted to get a good puppy massage from his owner.

Of course, with it being winter and the air so dry the dog hair got so charged up it produced this hilarious result - with the dog wondering why everyone was laughing.  Check it out:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Social Poets: Check Out This Video: Worlds Fastest Flying Human

English: Source: I (Matt Hoover) took this pho...
Image via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Check Out This Video: Worlds Fastest Flying Human: From Denny: Check out this Norwegian wingsuit flyer/paraglider as he leaps off a high cliff and soars a mile or so over the mountains near a river. He finally pulls his chute open to finish the last glide to land easily on the road where a car is waiting to take him home.

What a rush! He looked like a speeding bullet to the camera crew on the ground as he crested the mountain range. He just zoomed on past them, going maybe well over 130 mph? Turns out he was clocked at 250km/hour - which is 155 mph.

Norwegian Espen Fadnes thought this outdoor activity would be a fun experience for the weekend. He has donned his wingsuit and performed this crazy feat so many times he has earned the dubious honor of World's Fastest Flying Human. In fact, last year he jumped off the Swiss Alps in an international competition, taking home the win.
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Comfort Food From Louisiana: Cajun Red Beans and Rice

Mulate's famous red beans & rice with sausage,...
Image via Wikipedia
Comfort Food From Louisiana: Cajun Red Beans and Rice: From Denny: Red Bean and Rice is a traditional recipe in Louisiana that was the original Wash Day food every Monday, in every household in New Orleans, rich or poor. These beans could simmer on the stove for hours, leaving time for household chores.

Living in Louisiana, sometimes I forget some people don't know how to make this simple delicious dish. It's seems when I am researching up pops something else that I just know you will want to see.

I've been thinking lately of how to get more beans into our diet by adding to traditional recipes and found some awesome recipes from the various bean grower sites that I will be featuring soon on all my food blogs. If you are not yet sold on beans as a healthy and inexpensive food, this dish would be a great introduction.
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Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: 20 Cute Child Portraits

Atlas, it's time for your bath

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: 20 Cute Child Portraits: From Denny: Check out the adorable child portraits I found on one of my "visual vacations" to rest my brain from mind-numbing blog maintenance tasks. Most were taken by their parents and are quite clever in composition.

How do you narrow down the choices to just a few for a post? Well, it wasn't easy, I can tell you that one for sure! I'll probably do a few more of these child photography posts.

I love portraits and the human face that I'm always looking for creative ways to photograph. This should give you some great ideas of how to photograph your new arrival, the sister's cute kids or just when you are out on photo safari in your neighborhood.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Mocks Herman Cain Sexual Prowess

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart (Image via
The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Mocks Herman Cain Sexual Prowess: From Denny: Leave it to Jon Stewart and The Daily Show comedy crew to lampoon yet another political sexual whodunit. In fact, Jon Stewart is praying Herman Cain does not quit the race. He is the satire gift that keeps on giving in the season of Too Much Jolly.

Jon questions Herman Cain's excessive denials of knowing but not knowing - in the biblical sense - the parade of women across the 2012 GOP election stage.

He also challenges Cain's concept of sex. Like how can you conduct a 13-year-old affair without having any sex? Who ever heard of a 13-year-long platonic affair? Better yet, who ever heard of paying off women with whom you never had sex? Does that make any sense?

Jon postulates that Cain must be the worst guy in bed, the worst liar or the worst at getting lucky. Anyway you look at it he sure isn't presidential material for this country. We like our leaders to be virile and capable of sealing the deal. After all, what kind of lousy negotiator would Herman Cain be with another world leader if he can't even get sex in a 13-year-old affair?
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