Dennys Links

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Social Poets: Political Cartoon, Video: Obama And His Fellow Election Pundits

Barack Obama
Image by jamesomalley via Flickr
The Social Poets: Political Cartoon, Video: Obama And His Fellow Election Pundits: From Denny:   As the 2012 election gears up to wear out the American public this month and for the next year nonstop, I thought I'd remind my fellow media guys - and now President Obama - just how bad they often look when giving their opinions, especially of their own accomplishments.  It really is the season of having to endure more delusional smug political propaganda from both sides of the aisle.

Tis the season of the cartoonish political pundit, spouting off silly opinions that rarely ever come true but sure makes for funny entertainment.  This pastel drawing is a classic of mine.  It was drawn when George Bush 43 began his campaign for president back in 1998.

The Repbulicans tout how they are gods we the voters are supposed to bow down and worship.  You see, they keep their message pretty simple:  Worship me; get nothing and like it.
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