Dennys Links

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cool Peter The Elephant Deftly Operates Samsung Phone

From Denny:  Check out Peter the elephant as one cool dude.  This ad was originally developed to promote the Samsung Galaxy Note.

Peter knows how to use the apps by employing the tip end of his trunk like its his finger.  He zips through photos to find the one he wants.  He strums his virtual guitar strings.  He plays musical rings he likes.  He grabs a stylus and starts to draw his fellow elephant in the field.  Not a bad rendition for a first try at portrait drawing.  Peter then takes tourist photos of himself with his new friend.

He dances and flaps his ears in joy for the fun he is having playing with the phone.  Peter knows he is cool as he waves goodbye with his trunk and saunters off with a bounce in his step.  Forget the phone; it's the elephant you want to come home with you! I wonder if he would considering answering my mountain of email? After all, he seems to enjoy technology. :)

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Funny Video: Flying Pig, No Wings Necessary

Flying Piglet

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Funny Video: Flying Pig, No Wings Necessary: From Denny:  This is one of those unexpected videos from real life that catches you off guard.  The piglets and Momma pig were being filmed and discussed as to weaning time for the little guys.

Well, get a shocker as to how Big Pig quickly convinces her piglets to wean themselves.  Now you know where the children's books got the idea for flying pigs.  Watch closely as it happens so fast you might miss it.

Sort of reminds you of Wall Street Bankers where you sure would like to thump them all out, weaning them off corporate welfare and federal bailouts.

The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Mocks The Trayvon Martin Hoodie Threat

Trayvon Martin Protest - Sanford
Trayvon Martin Protest - Sanford (Photo credit: werthmedia)
The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Mocks The Trayvon Martin Hoodie Threat: From Denny:  Jon Stewart lampoons hoodie wearing supportive journalists and politicians trying to join the trending and popular national conversation demanding a proper investigation into the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, a young black man deemed suspicious as he walked through a neighborhood wearing a hoodie.  Amazingly, without the public outcry and national pressure, the police had no intention of investigating the crime.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Funny Animation: Simons Cat in Double Trouble

From Denny:  For those of us who have enjoyed thinking our cats are our pets, well, think again as these cats demand maid service and food bowl catering.  It really is the typical thing that happens whenever you try to introduce another new cat into the family.  Good luck, for the competition is fierce for your attention and all the household resources! :)

The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: 3 Funny Colbert, Stewart Videos, Late Nite Jokes

The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: 3 Funny Colbert, Stewart Videos, Late Nite Jokes: From Denny:  Did you hear?  Today another advertiser turned tail and ran away from Rush Limbaugh.  This time it was Kohler, manufacturer of those stylish faucets and other kitchen and bath fixtures.  That makes 143 advertisers, with about 9 left in his smelly pervert corner.

Of course, I'm sitting in a diner having lunch today in the red state of Louisiana, with the channel tuned to the ridiculous Fox News, and who is featured?

You guessed it, Fat Boy Blowhard Rush Limbaugh.  The amusing thing is that the love affair with Fox News and Rush Limbaugh is waning even here in the deep South.  "Can I Tell Ya?" that the only person watching the screen was the liberal blogger in the room.  Everyone else was treating Rush like he is so last year fashionista.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Star Trek Spock, Leonard Nimoy: Funny Satire, The Lazy Song Video

Leonard Nimoy at the 2011 Phoenix Comicon in P...
Leonard Nimoy at the 2011 Phoenix Comicon in Phoenix, Arizona. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From Denny:  "Live long and prosper" Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy (Spock) acts out his birthday fantasy in this funny video.  This video is truly hilarious.

Leonard Nimoy turned 81 years old this week and plays the Crusty Old Guy in the neighborhood as his neighbors, store clerks and the postman try to wish him a Happy Birthday.  Nimoy decides to just be lazy for his special day and do absolutely nothing.  Check out what "absolutely nothing" entails.

"The Lazy Song" is from Bruno Mars, a favorite artist of mine.  It comes from the album "doo-wops and hooligans." (Available at  For Bruno Mars' version, go to this link on youtube.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Fun St. Patricks Day Facts To Ponder While You Swill Green Beer

The St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, Irelan...
Image via Wikipedia
St Patrick's Day Parade in Omotesando, Tokyo
Image via Wikipedia
Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Fun St. Patricks Day Facts To Ponder While You Swill Green Beer: From Denny:  Mardi Gras just happened last month, and, well, Lent can be a dull affair while we are waiting for Easter.  So, why not spice it up with some St. Patrick's Day frivolity and celebration?

South Louisiana is primarily Catholic and we like our champion demon-chasing warrior saints. Honoring him is serious business.

Here in Louisiana we celebrate with none other than a St. Patrick's Day Parade, complete with official bead-throwing and green beer freely flowing.

Since all good holy days have a serious component along with the feasting here's some brain food to feed you too.  Be sure to check out my other St. Patrick's Day posts at the end of this post.  Lots of interesting historical trivia, quotes, poems, Irish blessings and funny thoughts too.
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Friday, March 9, 2012

Romancing The Chocolate: Chef Cookies: Cinnnamon-Espresso Chocolate Chip Vegan Style

Romancing The Chocolate: Chef Cookies: Cinnnamon-Espresso Chocolate Chip Vegan Style: From Denny:  Raise your hand if you love the combination of coffee, chocolate and cinnamon.  Yeah, I thought so; me too.   This easy recipe is from Chef Chloe Coscarelli, a winner of the Food Network's "Cupcake Wars."
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: Who Are Still Running Ads? 49 Companies Left

"Operation Chickenhawk" illustration...
Image via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Rush Limbaugh: Who Are Still Running Ads? 49 Companies Left: From Denny:  As Rush Limbaugh denies his advertisers are leaving like rats off a sinking ship, to date there are 49 companies, two radio stations and one advertising agency no longer willing to place ads with his show.

There are also some porn industry sites that have stepped up to support their fellow Pervert in Chief Limbaugh.

Check out the perverts stepping up to advertise on Limbaugh's show.  Perverts support other perverts:
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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Funny Video: Happy Dancing Filipino Traffic Cop

Michael Jackson
Cover of Michael Jackson

From Denny:  Get your happy dance rockin' on this week and enjoy this fun traffic cop in the Philippines as he dances the cars through the intersection to the music of Michael Jackson.  He sure keeps everyone smiling and in a good mood.  Some days Life really is that simple! :)

Check it out:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes About GOP Rick Santorum

The Social Poets: Funny Late Nite Jokes About GOP Rick Santorum: From Denny: At the beginning of this leap year month it was "Rick Santorum -who?!" In just the past two weeks he climbed the GOP primary charts. With that sudden rise in popularity came the late night jokes to prove he was noticed by national voters.

Of course, never mind he achieved that notice by screaming out the most weirdo conservative positions. He took a page out of the Gingrich Playbook. If it worked for him, maybe it would work for Santorum. 

Then came the rambling undisciplined speeches from Santorum that left the voters wondering what he said. Republican political strategists wildly started pulling out their already thinning hair at the notion of Santorum making it to their convention.

Forget my fellow journalists. The best guys to vett any political candidates are the comedians in my book. Since I'm the publishing and journalism industry's dreaded hybrid they have yet to catch up to or understand, - a journalist blogger - I'm delivering the unvarnished truth to my loyal readers with a dash of spicy opinion and a liberal dose of humor. After all, who said we can't enjoy some funnies along with our consideration of who we will consider not voting for in the November election?
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