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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Funny Video: Flying Pig, No Wings Necessary

Flying Piglet

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Funny Video: Flying Pig, No Wings Necessary: From Denny:  This is one of those unexpected videos from real life that catches you off guard.  The piglets and Momma pig were being filmed and discussed as to weaning time for the little guys.

Well, get a shocker as to how Big Pig quickly convinces her piglets to wean themselves.  Now you know where the children's books got the idea for flying pigs.  Watch closely as it happens so fast you might miss it.

Sort of reminds you of Wall Street Bankers where you sure would like to thump them all out, weaning them off corporate welfare and federal bailouts.