Dennys Links

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Truth Journal: CIA Petraeus' Affair: What Questions Still Need Answering In Spite of BS Story Lines?

A Truth Journal: CIA Petraeus' Affair: What Questions Still Need Answering In Spite of BS Story Lines?: 

From Denny:  Any time we witness a fall from grace of a very public figure we all wince.  Maybe it's a case of TMI.  Maybe it's because our thoughts swiftly fly to the embarrassed wife and children in sympathetic support.  Maybe we have been betrayed in a similar fashion and don't enjoy the reminder.  Or just maybe we were the thoughtless wonders who did the hurting.

Whatever the case this is always a sad event.  When you add the intelligence community component it could too easily evolve into a national security disaster.  Move over, Wiki Leaks, the old-fashioned honeypot trap works in any century as an easy way to extract sensitive information.

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