Dennys Links

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Truth Journal: Why Wont Pentagon Pay For PTSD Service Dogs For Returning Soldiers?

Advocate staff photo by PATRICK DENNIS -- Joe Tullier, left, and his wife, Cami, work with therapy dog Etta James, an 18-month-old mixed breed, acclimating her to hospital settings and equipment as well as patient situations. The dog will be used as a therapy dog, visiting servicemen in hospital situations.

A Truth Journal: Why Wont Pentagon Pay For PTSD Service Dogs For Returning Soldiers?:  From Denny:  This new fledgling effort service dogs project in Louisiana between two vets has the potential to significantly lower the funding necessary for mental health costs for our soldiers returning from the battlefield.  Yet the Pentagon and Veteran Affairs slough it off as meaningless.  In the home for 24 hours a day, service dogs are always cheaper than years of talk and drug therapy with expensive psychiatrists on a weekly or monthly basis.

Lucy Name Mug

Lucy is in the house!