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Friday, April 12, 2013

A Truth Journal: More WTF? More Cool From Team Obama Giving Up Salary Money in Show of Sequestration Layoff Solidarity?

President Barack Obama waits for a heavy rain to pass before crossing West Executive Avenue from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building to the West Wing of the White House, March 12, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
12 March 2013, West Wing Wait: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

A Truth Journal: More WTF? More Cool From Team Obama Giving Up Salary Money in Show of Sequestration Layoff Solidarity?: From Denny:   America, forget about political optics, sliding our way this entire past week was more cool  from the Obama White House channel.

Yes, it's true.  There actually are federal officials giving away their money back to taxpayers.  Happily blame Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and his Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter for starting this trend when they jumped up and volunteered to put some skin in the sequestration game.
(See this post for details.)

"Yes, don't ask of your country what they can do for your wallet but rather volunteer some of your paycheck back to your country's wallet" may be the new political trend?  One thing is for sure, these Democrats  definitely make the Republicans look like the usual stingy political losers flying their freak flags on the national political highway.


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