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Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Truth Journal: Funny Daily Show on NSA Leaker: Idiot Media Chase Wheres Waldo Snowden

A Truth Journal: Funny Daily Show on NSA Leaker: Idiot Media Chase Wheres Waldo Snowden: From Denny:  Comic John Oliver tells it like it is when he labels the U.S. government as turned into the "sad ex-boyfriend" when Hong Kong refused to return Obama reps' pleading calls about giving back NSA leaker Snowden.  America kept calling back like the ex-lover that leaves far too many annoying texts and phone messages, making a fool of themselves.

Next up? The unprofessional "journalists" in the media are the ones who have insisted upon promoting Snowden as the center of the NSA leak story like it's an episode of Where's Waldo? They should be focused upon how the NSA broke trust with Americans and the rest of the world.

Instead, the tabloid media chase Edward Snowden to Russia and board a plane Snowden was rumored to be on to travel to Cuba for refuge from the American government.  Of course, Snowden was a no-show on that flight.  What did the media do?  They took a 12-hour flight to nowhere without Snowden because they were locked inside the plane.  They took hundreds of photos of the empty airline seat and actually wrote reports like it was a news story and then tweeted the idiot photos.

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