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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Truth Journal: Hey, DNI Clapper: Choose Blogger Denny Lyon To Head Bitch Slap Independent NSA Review

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee April 18, 2013 in Washington, D.C. (File photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images).
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies before 
the Senate Armed Services Committee April 18, 2013 in Washington, D.C. 
(File photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images).

A Truth Journal: Hey, DNI Clapper: Choose Blogger Denny Lyon To Head Bitch Slap Independent NSA Review: 
Jimmy Kimmel video.
From Denny:  Looking for an echo chamber or a real assessment of the NSA surveillance programs? Then choose Denny Lyon as your man, er, woman to be your truth teller because God knows you all need one desperately.

After all the NSA has been spying on Americans since 1949 and the start of The Cold War.  That's right; it all started with reading every telegram that was sent out or received into America.  The illusion of privacy in our life time is just that: an illusion.

Can you believe this cover-up travesty?  President Obama leaves, well, runs away for holiday before anyone catches on, dumping like a huge turd a big announcement of how he is bringing in "outside" experts to take a look at the NSA surveillance.  These so-called "outsiders" are supposed to determine if the NSA is actually violating any privacy or civil rights, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.  Who believes this crap?  Apparently, the only true believers live in the White House and the NSA because none of the press is falling for it...

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