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Monday, September 8, 2014

A Truth Journal: Ukraine Crisis: Has Clueless German Merkel Sold Out European Security to Military Aggressor Russian Putin?

source: AP

A Truth Journal: Ukraine Crisis: Has Clueless German Merkel Sold Out European Security to Military Aggressor Russian Putin?: From Denny:  Looks like Germany's Merkel is done politically on the world stage.  Her Russia Policy has most definitely failed.  She is dancing a very slow implosion but an implosion none the less.  Her word apparently means nothing on the world stage any more.  She makes these pronouncements and then backs off, never following through with any tough action, just tough talk that falls like a thud onto the international political floor.  Clearly, Merkel's Russia policy does not reflect the German people's opinion.

Has Merkel foolishly sold out to Putin, deciding in private talks to allow him to take Ukraine - and eventually as much of Europe as he wants?  Is this the beginning of the end of the European Union?  The UK is ready to bolt - and it's probably a good idea if they do - with Germany calling so many bad political decisions in a row.  Has Germany sold out, because as the fourth recognized largest economic power in the world, has taken the political lead and fumbled the football one too many times?  Is Merkel as ready for the world stage as she thought she was, ignoring domestic issues?  Should Merkel be kicked out of power for risking the global security and the European countries' sovereignty?...

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Note to White House: Quit Killing Future U.S. Hostages