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Friday, November 13, 2009

Funny Secret to Longevity Photo and Story

In case it's too blurry to read easily here's the text as some of it was chopped off on the page I found it:

Secret to Longevity

A passerby noticed an old lady sitting on her front step, " I couldn't help noticing how happy you look! What is your secret for a long happy life?"

The old lady replied, "I smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day," she said. "Before I go to bed I smoke a nice big joint. After that I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels bourbon every week, oh, and I eat only junk food. On the weekends I pop a huge number of pills and do no exercise at all."

"That's absolutely amazing at your age!" declared the well impressed passerby. "Just how old are you?"
