Dennys Links

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10 Funny Posts For a Laugh - 23 June 2010

*** Links to funny posts from several of Dennys blogs this week!

From Denny: I just love the enthusiasm of this funny dog running full tilt, tongue flailing out and slapping his face. He is undeterred and happy anyway. If only we humans could live in the moment like this dog. Well, not to worry, I've found some funny things on the web this week and posted them: jokes, funny quotes, funny photos and funny videos. Knock yourselves out. And, hey, make sure to send me photos of you laughing - and having a good time falling off your chair. :)

Funny Lawyer Quotes and Jokes - Cheeky Quote Day 23 June 2010

Funny Legal News Story: The Case of a Contraceptives Misstaken Use

10 Funny Signs and 10 Funny Short Jokes

Roundup of Late Night Funnies - 21 June 2010

Funny Video: Colberts The Word, Stay the Course

Funny Video: Colberts Simplified Version of Obama's BP Oil Spill Speech

Funny Video: Colbert Examines America's Strained Relationship With England

Funny Video: Stewarts Take On America's Oil Dependence

Funny Cartoon: What to Wear For Employee Review

Funny Video: Stewart Calls Joe Barton A 'Disdainful A--hole'

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