Dennys Links

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Funny Dance Video: Butt Face Slam From Brazil

*** Craziest dance video you will ever see.

Hunh? You did WHAT?

From Denny: Just when you think you have seen it all there comes along yet another crazy video of "shock and awe" to make you laugh yourself off the chair. I can just see the airline ticket counters all across America as frat boys crowd the airports to travel for Spring break to Brazil, eager to try out the new dance craze there. :) This poor guy looks like he better get checked for a concussion...

From Comedy Central, a Moment of Zen - Surra de Bunda
A woman demonstrates Brazil's new dance craze by slamming her butt into a man's face

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Moment of Zen - Surra de Bunda
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