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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Funny Video: Colbert Mocks Birthers Using Obama Rap Video Sighting

*** Colbert Mocks Birthers With Obama Rap Video Controversy

From Denny: Colbert never misses a beat to mock the Tea Party Birthers who still claim Obama is not legally President because he was born in the state of Hawaii. Have these people been standing out in the sun too long and fried what's left of their tiny brains?

Well, Colbert is ready for action. Turns out there is yet another controversy brewing that the President was in a rap video back in 1993, Tag Team's hit "Whoomp! (There It Is)." That or the guy who looks strikingly like Obama could double for him when he goes into risky areas and take the bullets for him like Saddam Hussein's double used to do.

Of course, those of us who are dear friends of the President all know the man simply would not associate himself with a lame one-hit wonder like Tag Team - so it must not be him.

But Colbert, tenacious Woof Award guy that he is, could not let go of the presidential controversy. In his best mocking style directed at the Birthers, Colbert demanded the President clear up this intense controversy of just where was he in the summer of 1993. Would you want to be Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and have to answer this embarrassing question all day long to hungry testy reporters?

Colbert has also been newly elevated to the position of senior advisor to the President, putting Axelrod out to pasture for his lack of comedic relief in the White House. Colbert's earnest advice to the President: Get the state of Hawaii to order his "official government rap certificate." That's the only way we can confirm he was not a member of the rap group Tag Team. This is a pressing matter and of utmost importance to the American people. Please, Mr. President, respond ASAP. :)

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Obama's Whoomp! There It Is Controversy
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

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