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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Funny GOP: Limbaughs 18 Rules of Right Wing Talk Show Bombast

*** Check out the oh, so truthful factoids about Rush Limbaugh and his crazed groupies.

Limbaugh is the Republicans' Celebrity Godfather who runs the posse


By Nate Patrin

1: Never, EVER admit mistakes, no matter how glaring.

2: Avoid opposing viewpoints as much as humanly possible, especially if you don't have the slightest idea how to counteract them without babbling and spewing insults.

3: Blame the media for everything - except your popularity (and the occasional laudatory press from the likes of U.S. News).

4: Never, never, ever, EVER give your opposition any credit for ANYTHING, no matter how good, kind and competent they are. If Mother Theresa joins the Clinton staff, slam her like there's no tomorrow.

5: The only thing that deserves to be recycled is a joke.

6: Read as many newspapers as you can before a show, not to catch up on the news but to find pieces of "liberal bias" that you can automatically challenge without thinking.

7: Be as tasteless and tactless as possible. Tastelessness = bad press = support from dittoheads = big ego boost.

8: When you can't find any substantial basis for attacking your opponents, question their sanity, appearance, sexual lifestyle, etc.

9: Try to get plugged by celebrities, including Charles Barkley, George Brett and Charlton Heston.

10: Act as shocked, disgusted and offended as you possibly can when your opponents use the same tactics as you. Have a fit if they use them better.

11: Contradict yourself often, just to see if they're listening.

12: Accuse anybody who disagrees with you of being a "liberal". This is known as the "McCarthy Principle."

Limbaugh bears a striking resemblance to Java the Hut

13: Despite the fact that it's a part of your agenda, racism is no longer acceptable and must be used as subtly as possible.

14: Support ANYTHING the G.O.P. does, no matter how stupid. If the G.O.P. actually did something so stupid that you can't possibly support it, say it didn't happen.

15: Jumping to conclusions is your best bet in a tough situation. If you can't find a reason for some bad occurrence, blame Clinton.

16: Bad things that happen to people are only funny if they don't happen to (a) Americans, (b) Conservatives or (c) you.

17: Create as many catchphrases, buzzwords and cliches as you can stand.


18: Pass off opinions as truths.

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