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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Reveals Rally to Restore Sanity Location

Stewart gives careful directions on how funny it can be to find the rally in downtown Washington, D.C.

From Denny: Stewart reminds us that his crazy ill-conceived Rally to Restore Sanity will occur exactly on October 30th. He wants to make sure you can easily find it. Just how do you do that? Well, Stewart advises that whenever there is scheduled to be a huge gathering of protestors in Washington, D.C., that it's pretty easy to find them. The center of activity can be discovered by following the people who look like they just emerged from a dark anarchist enclave. Who knows? Maybe the crowd also looks like they just piled out of a clown car belonging to the official unofficial Pretend Populist Patriot circus.

You may end up unintentionally shadowing normal reasonable people just walking down the street. But then this approach would get you nowhere near the U.S. Capitol. So, don't follow them if you want to get to the Rally to Restore Sanity. Be on the lookout for normal reasonable people who enjoy being reasonable. They will lead you astray.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity Location
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

*** For more funny videos and laughs from this week, go to the main post:

Monday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 11 Oct 2010

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