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Monday, October 11, 2010

Funny Video: Colbert Fuses Halloween Holiday With March To Keep Fear Alive

Check out outrageous Colbert as he gives tips for your Halloween costume while he encourages you to attend his March to Keep Fear Alive.

From Denny: Remember, "Nation," that Colbert's March to Keep Fear Alive (politically speaking, that is) also occurs on the Halloween weekend. Now that's special, don't you agree? Colbert suggests we all wear funny Halloween costumes as we march while he reminds us of exactly of what we should be afraid.

Colbert, with his usual outrageous tongue in cheek attitude, says there are so many things to righteously fear: "immigrants who came here after our grandparents or Katy Perry's breasts." Colbert highlighted a town in upstate New York promoting a new kind of fear that Colbert found wildly fascinating: Dead muslims. It was the town of Sidney, New York, that tried recently to have a private Muslim cemetery removed from their town. Yes, "Nation," that's fear of dead Muslims.

Colbert says that "Usually when you die, your threat level decreases significantly." So, what would be the only logical conclusion to explain their unreasonable fear in this town? It must be the threat of Muslim vampires, muses Colbert. Advice was offered on how to keep away those Muslim vampires - like wearing a bacon turtleneck, because "a crucifix won't work" and "a drawing of Mohammad just makes them madder."

So, to make the Halloween holiday and the March to Keep Fear Alive really interesting, Colbert thought we all should embrace the season. He encouraged marchers "to come disguised as whatever I've taught you to fear."

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Terror a New One
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive

*** For more funny videos and laughs from this week, go to the main post:

Monday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 11 Oct 2010

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