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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup

Stephen Colbert arrives at Al Faw Palace at Ca...Image by DVIDSHUB via Flickr

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup: "Check out what the comedians lampoon about The Peace President, Obama, going into Libya. Boy, I tell ya, a guy tries to help out some desperate people in a foreign country from getting slaughtered and all he gets is flak from the Republicans and comedians.

Of course, like so many sticky political situations, it's all about The Ego. The mostly male media ratchets up The Ego Meter by declaring Prez Obama is a wimp if he doesn't succeed at deposing Gadafi now that he's declared, 'Gadafi must go!' So, suddenly out come The Big Guns: the CIA operatives magicly appear in Libya 'advising' the rebel forces. Read that as, 'These guys are so clueless the only way to keep them alive is knock some sense into them and show them how to win.'"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Funny Video: Stephen Colbert: Turd Sandwich in Libya

Stephen Colbert in New York City at Border's s...Image via Wikipedia

From Denny: Only Stephen Colbert can put lipstick on a pig and call it beautiful. And that's what he did with Newt Gingrich's strange anti-Obama Anything that rarely makes sense these days. First, Newt is FOR a No-Fly Zone in Libya and then when Obama creates said zone, well, then Newtie is now against it. Go figure. Better yet - as Jon Stewart said, "There are actually at least three women in America who have F'd Newt Gingrich. Now that's amazing!"

Turns out the funny name for this episode is because a White House aide told a reporter, Savannah Guthrie, that this Libya situation is basically so disgusting it's "a turd sandwich." Gee, and all the women in the world thought he was talking about Newtie. Hmmm... Gadafi or Newtie... yep, both are a filling for that sandwich.

What's funny is how badly the Republican critics of Obama kept trying to frame Obama's Libya speech. They tried to call it "a dog's breakfast" to which Colbert puts up photos of breakfast at McDonald's to verify.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3 Funny Videos: Jon Stewart At Not War, Obama Defends Libya War

Jon StewartImage via Wikipedia
From Denny:  Jon Stewart sure keeps this White House on their toes. Actually, he agrees with the President on going into Libya for the most part. But, being a comedian, it's his patriotic duty to lampoon politics wherever and whenever possible. These video clips are Stewart's response to when Obama and the coalition began bombing Gadafi to gain air superiority, establishing the No-Fly Zone.

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Snail and Wine Photo: Shell-E-Brations

MIAMI BEACH, FL - DECEMBER 09: Agostino Pezzat...Another snail hanging out in Miami - Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Snail and Wine Photo: Shell-E-Brations: "Is this a Baptist snail trying to escape the deadly sin of getting dunked in the wine? Or is it a drinking snail, so inebriated he is climbing out to get sober? Party on and 'shell-e-brate'! Great photo with a funny twisty of humor of the possible double meaning that a viewer can take away for themselves."

Dennys Food and Recipes: Grilling Steaks: Tips, Cooking Times, Great Sauces

Steak 03 bg 040306Image via Wikipedia
Dennys Food and Recipes: Grilling Steaks: Tips, Cooking Times, Great Sauces: "Want to learn the best tips for grilling that perfect steak? Warm weather - and a hearty pollen season - have arrived here in south Louisiana and our thoughts are already turning to grilling season. If you want to perfect your technique, learn how to make a perfect French classic sauce in the blender or brush up on your steak cooking knowledge, then read on. Oh, and no drooling allowed. :)"

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Art Cartoon - What Love Is All About

Animated horse, made by rotoscoping 19th centu...Image via Wikipedia

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Art Cartoon - What Love Is All About: " As an art lover I also love an artist with a sense of humor. Some of the most overlooked artists are cartoonists. Often they are taken for granted as we read in print or online our favorite daily newspaper. They depict our streaming politics, often lampooning policies or hypocritical politicians trying to sell a loser idea.

Today's art cartoon from Ballard Street is all about the art of assuaging a loved one's ego. Get a grin at this one:"

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Social Poets: Libya: Gadafi Regime Cracking Under Pressure Says Intel

The Social Poets: Libya: Gadafi Regime Cracking Under Pressure Says Intel: " The intelligence community is reporting 'the morale of Gadhafi forces is on the decline,' according to one official. 'Do ya think?' Your morale would be on the decline after witnessing coalition bombings taking out whole regiments of troops along with bombing cities. It's a lot different when the horror you once inflicted upon others becomes your own blood and guts horror.

Sounds like America's intelligence community so owes me a paycheck. :) They have finally come to the same conclusion as I have that The Gadafi Crowd can't handle the international heat and fear the massing crowds of Libyans who hate him."

Dennys Global Politics: Peoples Revolution Recaptures Port Cities: Libya Political Cartoons

Tornado GR4 Takes Off from RAF Marham to Enfor...Image by Defence Images via Flickr

Dennys Global Politics: Peoples Revolution Recaptures Port Cities: Libya Political Cartoons: "Since the U.S. and the minority coalition established the No-Fly Zone over Libya last week, the rebels have fared better. To gain control over the skies, it was necessary to destroy Gadafi compounds, tanks, anti-aircraft batteries, weapons dumps and whole regiments of troops on the move. In short, America, the British and the French decimated most of the Gadafi regime.

At present, the rebels have marched along the coastal cities, taking back ownership after Gadafi drove them out with aerial bombings and tank bombardments. Turn about was fair play and Gadafi's troops got a taste of the horror they inflicted upon others, now visited upon themselves."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Post Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 24 March 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Post Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 24 March 2011: "Check out news, politics, great food, funny political humor, sassy opinion, astronomy and science, great quotes, awesome photography, poetry and spiritual thoughts.

Sometimes, I think if I didn't do posts roundup on all these crazy blogs I would never realize just how much I've been writing or on what subjects as the writing moves so quickly. The news is running at a rapid rate these days with all the revolutions in the Middle East and destructive world weather.

Fortunately, we have the comedians and the chefs to perk up our spirits and tantalize our taste buds so we don't get overwhelmed with too much negativity in the news and our politics..."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2 Funny Freud Cartoons From Raymond Betancourt

From Denny: Check out the funny mind of cartoonist Raymond Betancourt and how he contemplates Freud, sure to give you a laugh. His blog is Twisted or you can view his latest cartoons and drawings at flickr.


All Rights Reserved but with embed code available: Freud and cigar

... and the chip off the ol' block... 

Anna Freud

All Rights Reserved but with embed code available: Anna Freud

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The Social Poets: Obama: End Libya War Now and 14 Political Cartoons

With his family by his side, Barack Obama is s...Image via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Obama: End Libya War Now and 14 Political Cartoons: "While America's war hawks and profiteers are thrilled to have spent $1 billion this week bombing Libya, it's time to complete The Hand Over to anyone else but us. Americans did not expect to be the country spending 95 percent of the money in this police action and we are not happy about it. American taxpayers are fed up with footing the bill for everything all the time and for far too long. We spend decades in idiot unnecessary expensive wars started by previous presidents, then start 'police actions' in a current administration."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Social Poets: 56 Political Fitness Comedy American Style Cartoons

The torii of Itsukushima Shrine, the site's mo...Image via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: 56 Political Fitness Comedy American Style Cartoons: "With all the emotional saturation of the tragic news coming out of Japan we all need a comedy break. I've been collecting this silly political humor for a couple of weeks and it looks like now is the time for its debut when we all could use a stress reliever."

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: 2011 Super Moon World Photos

Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois).Image via Wikipedia

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: 2011 Super Moon World Photos: "Yes, I've been on one of my visual vacations, tripping through the Flickr database for cool Super Moon photos. All of these photos were taken on 19 March 2011 for this year's Super Moon event all over the world. Usually, a Super Moon occurs about every 20 years. We are expecting another one in 2016. One photographer created a short video of his various shots and paired a great jazz love song with it. Enjoy these visual treats!"

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Social Poets: Newt Gingrich Cartoons: Newtie 4 President - NOT!

Newt GingrichImage via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Newt Gingrich Cartoons: Newtie 4 President - NOT!: "Two words: Newt Gingrich. Two more words: Laughable Hypocrite. This guy has more ex-wives than should be possible. He lays a line of huge BS on them, they swallow it hook, line and sinker. Then, years later, they are shocked Newt admits he is shallow, two-timing and a total hypocrite."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Soul Calendar: Super Moon Phenomenon: Gorgeous Illusion Worth Watching

Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois).Image via Wikipedia
The Soul Calendar: Super Moon Phenomenon: Gorgeous Illusion Worth Watching: "The moon has not appeared this large since 1992. This huge moon appears because the moon is closer to the Earth than usual in its elliptical orbit. "

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Art: Reading The Directions

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Art: Reading The Directions: "This painting is as delightful is as it's funny. How many times have men decided they know where they are going when driving only to get lost?"

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Social Poets: Japan: Plutonium Reactor Careening Out of Control, 18 Political Cartoons

Internationally recognized symbol.Image via Wikipedia
The Social Poets: Japan: Plutonium Reactor Careening Out of Control, 18 Political Cartoons: "The whole world watches, waits, and holds its breath dreading nightmarish nuclear disaster. We are transfixed upon every tiny bit of streaming news coverage to the point of emotional saturation. And the news does not get any better. Even the Japanese government called the situation today 'very grave.'"

Awww Funny Big White Dog: Puzzle Pieces Blog: King of the Hill

Puzzle Pieces.....: King of the Hill - wonderful doggy photos of a funny guy with great commentary to give you a good laugh! Check out this blogger from Canada.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 3 Funny St. Patricks Day Posts, Lots of Quotes

ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE 2007 - DUBLINSt. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, Ireland - Image by infomatique via Flickr
Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 3 Funny St. Patricks Day Posts, Lots of Quotes: " Green hats are cool - if you are Irish. Well, someone tell that Irishman not to go to China. Why? Turns out 'the wearing of the green (hat)' is a cultural sign to society that..."

Yeah, this was a "teaser" and you have to go to my blog to read the rest of the post. And, yes, there was one Mary O'Brien in the family tree a while ago.  She must have passed down her teasing sense of humor. :)

The Social Poets: Japan: Nuclear Update, Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Political Cartoons

The Social Poets: Japan: Nuclear Update, Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Political Cartoons: "The Japanese keep changing and downplaying the radiation level numbers. At one point last night one Japanese official said the radiation levels at the troubled nuclear plant had reached 1,000 times the healthy levels. He was later forced to back off on that number, claiming it was a mistake in translation. No, it wasn't. Read that as a diplomatic way for a bureaucrat to get out the truth, knowing he would have to walk it back but at least the information would get out to the public."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Funny Cartoon: Tinker Bell, We Hardly Knew Ye

From Denny: Promoting funny people and talented artists is fun! Check out the latest from cartoonist Raymond Betancourt at his TwistedCartoonist blog...

Tinker Bell, We Hardly Knew Ye

Tinker Bell, We Hardly Knew Ye

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

18 Funny Satire Cartoons: The Old, Really Old, Pride

From Denny: OK, OK, I'll finally share and pull these funnies out of draft post status and send the little darlings out into the cold cruel world... I'm always on the lookout for new cartoonists so be sure to shoot me an email when you find someone new on the scene. Hope you all enjoyed Raymond Betancourt from his "Twisted" cartoon blog. The link is just below this post so be sure to check him out if you haven't already. Meanwhile, laugh at the old folks and their crazy antics.  Irreverent commentary provided free of charge, just for today... 

You know you are in trouble when you start with the double glasses: one pair is for reading and the other for life... and you are still reading news print instead of online.

Ballard Street

The latest generation's version of the family snitch... the old pride starts at a young age...

Speed Bump

Friday, March 11, 2011

Funny Cartoon: Twisted Version of Garden of Eden

From Denny:  Check out this hilarious twisted humor that will have you rethinking every legend and myth you ever heard.

What really happened in the Garden of Eden... from cartoonist Raymond Betancourt at his TwistedCartoonist blog...

Adam and Eve

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Unusual 2 Tasty - different twists on favorite foods and international food
Comfort Food From Louisiana - Land of Seafood and Sweets, Cajun, all kinds of comfort food
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Dennys Art Sanctuary: Amusing Art Photo of The Day: 8 March 2011

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Amusing Art Photo of The Day: 8 March 2011: "Oh, the clever ones in our midst... :) Artists with words, wit and humor all summed up in an image."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny But True: Exorcist Chasing Demons Out of Big Bank Chase

The Social Poets: Funny But True: Exorcist Chasing Demons Out of Big Bank Chase: "We are all outraged at the greed of America's Big Banks. Feel helpless? Feel vulnerable? No worries. Your local exorcists are here to save the day."

Funny Video: Colbert Report Version of Mardi Gras, International Womens Day

Reveler, Mardi Gras morning in the Bywater nei...Image via Wikipedia

From Denny: Only Stephen Colbert. He righteously mocks our New Orleans Mardi Gras, enjoying the symbolism of how Mardi Gras fell on the same day this year as the celebration of International Womens Day. What better way to celebrate women, thinks Colbert, than to throw them beads if they flash their breasts? In true Colbert satire, he yells out as he tosses beads into the audience, "Ladies, show me your advanced degrees! Show me how you balance an underpaid working life with a happy home life!"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Visual Insights: Dennys Funny Photo Gallery: The Nose Knows

Visual Insights: Dennys Funny Photo Gallery: The Nose Knows Today's post is all about our perception of noses: our dog's noses, our cat's noses, our noses of attraction and noses of battle, noses sleeping and noses saying, "I'm guilty as charged!"

The Social Poets: America Is NOT Broke Wisconsin Speech: Activist Michael Moore

The Social Poets: America Is NOT Broke Wisconsin Speech: Activist Michael Moore: "Moore spoke at a rally against Gov. Walker's decision to deny collective bargaining rights to the teachers he has decided to fire. First the public workers lose their rights, then the rest of us across the country watch our wages drop like a rock to ten cents an hour like in a third world country."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

14 Funny Charlie Sheen Cartoons

Charlie Sheen in March 2009Image via Wikipedia

From Denny: Well, one thing is for sure. Charlie Sheen sure can entertain us on or off real life. Though it looks like he may be blurring the lines a bit for himself. OK, most people think he's lost it. Maybe, maybe not. Whatever is going on you sure have to admire his tenacity. He sure seems to enjoy ticking off and embarrassing his producers of the hit TV show.

He jumped onto Twitter this past week and instantly gained about two million followers. His comedy show, "Two And A Half Men" is the number one comedy show on the air.

Whatever you think of Charlie Sheen he is known for his intense work ethic on the set. He shows up on time and works hard all the way through. His fellow actors comment, "If he would demonstrate the same discipline and work ethic when he is away from work his life would not be a mess." They seem to love him no matter how high maintenance he is. Sheen would definitely qualify as a Tiger Actor. :)

Here are what the cartoonists think about Charlie Sheen this week. Hint: It ain't complimentary...

Drew Sheneman

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dennys Global Politics: Libya News Update: Political Cartoons of Gadhafi Last Stand

Dennys Global Politics: Libya News Update: Political Cartoons of Gadhafi Last Stand: "Today news reached the West that Gadhafi air bombed a rebel held town in eastern Libya in a desperate attempt to retake control. Two bombs were dropped near al-Brega.

Why did Gadhafi choose that town when so many others are now under rebel control? Try the fact this town possesses key oil and natural gas facilities: money makers."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Social Poets: Obama: From Most Admired to Unpopular in America

The Social Poets: Obama: From Most Admired to Unpopular in America During 2010, his approval rating was 47 percent. He did enjoy a high of 58 percent approval when he first entered office.

Dennys Art Sanctuary: 38 Creative March Desktop Wallpapers

Dennys Art Sanctuary: 38 Creative March Desktop Wallpapers: "What do we think of when we reflect upon the month of March? We think of Winter ending, Spring coming in on the cool winds, soaking Spring rains, the trees leafing out and green weeds. There is the fun celebration of St. Patrick's Day. And there is the old adage, 'March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.' These designers took these all as their inspirations."