From Denny: Time for more fun living inside a cartoonist's head! Yay! Think of it as "How To Survive Work Mondays." A happy employee keeps them from rioting about their bad pay, long hours and under appreciation - so keep 'em laughing... One of these days I have got to park a Paypal button on this blog because I'm a legend in my own head. :)
A Double Take... Hunh? Well, there's at least one reason why to remodel the carpeting. Maybe renovate the husband while you are at it...
I told you bankers were weird fellows...
Sports and chemicals... our food supply and chemicals... Big Business using chemicals to make huge profits while killing our health - take your pick.
It does make you wonder if there will come a time when you never meet anyone face to face...
Angelic advice...
Excuses, excuses...
And as Glenn Beck elevates himself to Jesus Christ status... well, he does have a Church of Believers Called Fox News...
Whoa! Scary, when the bear is the little guy in the woods now...
And why not for Jesus to get in the act of genetic modification of food...? Better yet, this should be titled, "What Would Jesus Not Do?"
The new horror reality of the decade...
Why some relationships just don't work out... it's the Morning Dress Code...
New relationship shows its potential...
Why dogs are so interesting:
The family hamster is no longer content to do tricks for the bridge club. He wants his own car to go run errands and hang with his hamster homies...
Reggie likes to dress for dinner...
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