From Denny: Bears. What are you gonna do with them? They have garbage gourmet tastes. Especially this enterprising guy at a Colorado Springs, Colorado German restaurant. What was a restaurant to do but film the bear naked thief in case they had to take him to court?
Late-night snacking is a favorite with bears and this bear was notably out for the big score. He decided he wanted to keep snacking later in the day at his den so he hit on the idea of stealing the dumpster for an all day take away picnic lunch.
Stealing this restaurant's garbage dumpster was no easy feat. The dumpster weighs about a half ton when full of leftover food and trash. The bear managed to drag this dumpster about 50 feet away from its usual area but no significant damage was reported.
The Edelweiss Restaurant owners are hoping to prevent any more bear dumpster snatching and late-night snacking by chaining the dumpsters. Good luck on that idea as clearly this was one smart bear since he did this for two nights in a row. Stay tuned to see more surveillance video as this bear might return on roller skates to up the challenge!
Keep your attitude up as you face the challenges of the day with a reminder under foot!
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