Tech is the new thumb sucking and fairy tales at bed time...
How technology has become the new fairy tale revisionist...
Those '60's drugs kickin' back in again 40 years later. Bummer when only one is feelin' groovy... but then think of all the sarcasm good Grandma gets from the experience, passing on her wisdom to the next generation.
A future journalist watching waaaay too much TV for his own good. He has the Middle East revolutions on the brain. Hey! It was worth a trial run at the parents. Better now than taking a story spin at his future workplace boss. Things could get really ugly 20 years from now.
OK, how many of us that have a few weird uncles like this wonder what we are supposed to do with them? Should we charge admission to the neighbors or lie to the old guys, claiming we are doing a documentary and put it up on YouTube so the whole world can laugh with them?
The naughty dog...
Hmmm... a little too much identification with your pet... Now you guys share your toys???
Status doggie in the suburban 'hood...
Oh, those retirement communities keep you entertained with the locals...
A curious dog that makes you call the handyman is better than calling pest control...
I love this one... :)
Another kind of naughty weird dog...
America's CEO's complaining President Obama doesn't love them enough, criticizing their greed and incompetence. Wow! The President really knows how to hurt a guy's feelings!
Valentine Love...
It isn't easy living in a graphic novel these days... Fantasy worlds are so looked down upon by society...
For thousands of years, "man" has not changed when it comes to his pride about his "wheels." After all, it's who he is - and the chicks dig it.
Looks like Homeland Security has nothing to worry about with a man and his dog on duty in the neighborhood...
Society hasn't changed much over the centuries. People still can't get that pregnancy story straight.
Where critical thinking went in America...
Glenn Beck as Paul Revere? The Tea Party trying to ride to the rescue but have to ask for Bailout Quarters?
Don't you just love it when your airline is messin' with your head right before takeoff?
Where do our weird politics originate? Can it be evolution? Can it be creationism? How about: Is God mad at us and we all got Left Behind and this is what He means by Hell On Earth?
Oh, such dedication to the Couch Potato Olympics...
March Madness...
There is a reason why over 50 percent of Baby Boomers now refuse to leave their children an inheritance, according to a new poll. The Self Entitlement Crowd starts early and has gone too far. Now it's the revenge of the parents decades later.
While the oil and gas industry reports record profits this past year to the tune of billions of billions, America still can't convince the GOP to spend money to repair highways and crumbling bridges. Hey! Let's just wait for a huge bridge to collapse and all gather together to watch it on CNN. Then we will complain that someone should have done something and then vote in the very someone who refuses to do anything about the problem. Ain't America just the greatest nation on the planet? You may now wave your flag at traffic.
The voters suiting up for the next political showdown on Capitol Hill...
Clever Marketing at work...
Yeah, that will teach 'em... Keep your eye on the highest priority now...
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